... ::.
Back December 9th, 2007 Forward
sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me [userpic]
I's an oldie.

I've actually been here since May, but what the hell, I can always use more friends.

I am Kei. I live in New Zealand. I'm a animal-and-nature-loving sort-of-hippie, sort-of-pagan, sort-of-interested-in-Judaism spiritualist.

I roleplay - medieval fantasy MUDding with an emphasis on the RP, not the hack'n'slash, and journal-based Harry Potter verse, though I tend to avoid most of the fandom because it's frankly a bit terrifying. I have mad <3s for Zacharias Smith, mostly. :P

I very occasionally write as well, but more often I read - Queer as Folk, Firefly, the occasionally HP fic I've been recommended. I don't watch that much tv but what I do watch I occasionally squee about.

I suffer from depression, run the [info]07refugees asylum (no, these aren't linked statements), love Tamora Pierce and am a lesbian-somewhat-asexual, if that makes any sense whatsoever. :) Oh, and I'm completely geeky about my Pokemon games. :D

Current Music: Tricky: Evolution Revolution Love
Add ♥

Hey everyone. Moved here from GJ yesterday.

I was
~wickedestbitch over at GJ.

The name is Sarah. 22 years young. Married to a soldier whose currently deployed to Iraq. I live on a military base in Fort Campbell, KY. Hobbies? Music, graphics, cars, reading, being a bitch. ;D

I'm super active (I update every day almost & comment on all my friends of course). If you wanna get to know me better go on and add me. Comment on the friends only post please. See ya there!

I'm one of the many people who are "jumping ship" from GJ over here. I am midnytstarlyt over there.

My name is Melanie. I'm finishing up my final year at Central Washington University, where I'm studying journalism and creative writing. Now, let's see about the basics:

22. blue-eyed. curly haired. spunky. gemini.
i get asked pretty often about what my favorite part of life is. it's not something i can answer simply, because i truly enjoy pieces of everything, with no strong preference for one thing over something else.
i'm known as 'one of the guys,' yet i'm a girlie girl as well.
i love blue, purple and pink.
i'm editor-in-chief for my college newspaper (yes, a passion of mine is writing).
i spent four quarters as a sports reporter for the same newspaper, with two quarters as assistant sports editor and last quarter i was sports editor. so i'm a big fan of sports as well (go seahawks! go mariners!)
i play MMORPG's (World of Warcraft, Lineage 2 and Final Fantasy XI), so i'm "one of those chicks who game."
music is my soul. my iPod is love. so is my guitar.
i'm random. i don't express it as much in my writing because my writing takes some thought. but i'm the most random person i know.
i love the ocean and the mountains, and i can't pick which is better. probably because i have it lucky. if i look outside the window at work, i can look out over the water, look to the right and see one mountain range, then look to the left and see another.
i love to write and read, but i love to get outside and go hiking, camping and the like.
i'm content on my own, but i love the company of others.
i love sailing and movies and dancing and rollercoasters and painting my toe nails and laughing and beaches with sand between my toes and whispers and tigers and starlight and windy days and kisses and raindrops and chocolate and sunsets and...
i go nuts without my cell phone, and if i don't have my camera in my purse i'll realize it's missing.
if i tried to sum myself up any further, i'd be writing a novel.
i'll be honest...some of my entries are rants. most of them are long. but i'm a friendly, considerate, shy but outgoing (it works, i swear), crazy goofy girl who might just surprise you, who knows.
add me if you like.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting BUTTERFLYKISSES

New around these parts...

I made the move this morning from GJ to IJ, so far, so good.
My name on GJ is the same as my name here, I like to keep it simple like that.

Name's Victoria, 19 years old, I live in Michigan, but I am moving to Arizona in January/February.
Going to college for photography, but probably will go back for either video game programming or network systems administration. I will also be doing pin up modeling on the side. I enjoy shooting pool, hanging with friends, doing computer related things, playing video games, and going to local shows/concerts.

I'm a pretty active person when it comes to having a journal, so don't go thinking I'll disappear after a few months. If I do, I'll make sure to tell you that I'm going on hiatus.

Just add me and leave a comment on my friends only post that you added me.

Thanks! =]

(Miss) Understood [userpic]

I was over at GJ for about three-fours years before I decided I needed to jump ship.

So, I'm looking for some friends on here. I've brought over all my GJ entries so you'd have those fascinating things to read as soon as you added me. My entries are very rarely ones of the depressing nature, I try to think positive - I just moved away for college, so you'd basically be able to watch me adjust to my new life working towards a film degree.

I also love watching Hong Kong movies, which sounds insane, which they are - so if you've ever wanted movie reviews of some obscure Hong Kong film, then I'm the person to add.

I'm really open minded with who I add, so just drop me a comment and we'll go from there.

Current Music: Britney Spears - Freakshow

I'm Cait.
I used to be [info]lipsxofxdeciet
I like Mythbusters, Ghost Hunters, anything to do with the paranormal and alternative rock music.

Add me!

Current Mood: cheerful cheerful

mika //24 // manhattan. full time grad. student getting my masters in teaching. die hard yankees fan. i have journaled on GJ for about 4 years but have been inactive for quite some time. i used to be DIRTYMARTINI and DULCIDINE on there when i used to be active. add me, especially if we used to be friends on GJ.

also my graphics journal [info]deluxed has moved over here as well.

I'm Carrie.
I just moved here from GJ (I was ~bitbits and previously ~pinkbabie over there) so I'm looking for new friends on here.
I live in miami, florida.
I'm a really diverse person I guess you could say.
I love music (all kinds!) and britney spears (join [info]spearsnews!)
I'll add anyone, I'm not picky! :)

hello, everyone. :] i am quite new to insanejournal (i came across it like ten minutes ago when i wanted to make a new account on greatest journal), and i thought it would be nice to start out with some friends.

anyway, my name is shannon. i'm on greatestjournal, obviously, but i never use it. i use my livejournal very frequently, though. music is my passion (my favorite band is actually panic! at the disco.). i love writing as well. my favorite tv show is probably...degrassi (TNG). i love it, but i don't think i've seen an episode since march. my favorite movie has to be either RENT or Moulin Rouge. they're both such wonderful movie-musicals. :D

hm...not much else to say. anyway, add me? :D (if you'd like to know more, just ask.)

Current Mood: accomplished accomplished
Current Music: teeth the size of piano keys - chiodos.

Hello. I'm Danielle. I'm 20 years old and from Michigan. I'm from GJ. But I thought i'd make some friends. I haven't left gj.. So i'll be back and forth. But, i love to meet new people. I love ghost hunters, reaper, supernatural, a shit at love, simple plan, paramore, fall out boy and cobra starship! I'm really nice and I love new friends. My GJ username is CHIERRE! You can add me there if you would like to.

Hey everyone, my name is Courtney and I'm 25. I live with my husband who is in the military and our two cats. We are currently stationed in Norfolk, VA but are moving to Japan mid-next year.
I am a photographer, I went to college for it in Boston. I enjoy going to concerts (mostly hard rock), traveling, surreal art, Sanrio, reality tv, and movies.
I am looking for potential female friends who are 20+ and who have some of the same interests as myself. Please comment on my friends only post to be added.

Back December 9th, 2007 Forward