Jun. 24th, 2013


Characters: All students (plus NPCs, if needed).
Setting: 24th June (evening) at the Quidditch pitch.
Summary: The Third Task.
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

Now string them together and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? )

Dec. 25th, 2012


Characters: All students (plus NPCs, if needed).
Setting: The Great Hall, from 8pm to midnight.
Summary: The Yule Ball!
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

Lairy fights, that's the one! )

Nov. 24th, 2012


Characters: Cho Chang & Marietta Edgecombe
Setting: Friday 23rd November, between classes & dinner, Ravenclaw 5th year girls’ dormitory
Summary: Talking about the badges and O.W.L.s
Status: Complete

The path from the library to the Ravenclaw common room was a familiar one for Cho, who had walked it countless times over the years. )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Characters: Anyone who decides to brave the Dungeon!
Setting: Slytherin Common Room, after dinner on Halloween.
Summary: Halloween party!! Dancing, treats, etc...
Status: IC/OOC reactions. TELL US WHAT YOU WORE!

ghosts, and ghouls, and goblins, and... )


Characters: All students (plus NPCs, if needed).
Setting: The Great Hall.
Summary: Halloween feast! Also, the three champions are announced.
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

Well, the Goblet is almost ready to make its decision. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Characters: All students (plus NPCs if you feel the need to use them).
Setting: In front of the castle at 4pm, later developing to the Entrance Hall and Great Hall.
Summary: The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive. The Welcoming Feast is held, and Dumbledore introduces the Goblet of Fire.
Status: IC/OOC reactions.

'Dumbly-dorr,' said Madame Maxime, in a deep voice. 'I 'ope I find you well?' )