Oct. 2nd, 2010


WHO: Ruby & Sam
WHEN: later evening
WHERE: their garage
WHAT: smut. purely smut. (maybe serious discussion when they're done)
RATING: nc17

Sam has a hot car. For serious. )

Oct. 1st, 2010


WHO: Anna & Crowley & maybe Cas?
WHEN: Friday Afternoon
WHERE: Crowley's house & then a private obgyn
WHAT: obgyn appointment
RATING: dunno yet

So okay, she was wandering through the house in maternity clothes and munching on celery and peanut butter. )

Sep. 29th, 2010


WHO: Anna & Castiel
WHEN: about six months ago (WAAAY backdated)
WHERE: random hotel room
WHAT: babymaking
RATING: nc17

six months ago... )

Sep. 26th, 2010


Who: Sam Winchester and Castiel
What: A not-so-chance chance meeting
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
When: This weekend
Warnings: Will update.

Everyone I love goes away in the end )

Sep. 23rd, 2010


WHO: Claire & Jason
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: At a medical clinic in Louisiana
WHAT: Administering live saving blood to those with illnesses
RATING: G/PG-13 for now.

Claire couldn't say her job was boring )

Sep. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Ruby & Sam
WHEN: early morning
WHERE: their bedroom in their apartment
WHAT: talkin about seriousbusiness
RATING: probably nc17 eventually. sammy's insatiable

Mornings were usually the time that reality hit Ruby the hardest. )