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Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

    Time Event

    Welcome to Deleo Tersus!

    It's a place where everything you could ever want is at your fingertips. Your wake up to find a beautiful hotel suite and all of your belongings put away neatly in your posh private bedroom. Is there something you want? You can have it the next day. Why, you even have a bag of 100 galleons to fill your whims. But beneath the surface, something is amiss. People keep appearing from different times. Family secrets are being revealed. Rumors of late night attacks are spreading through the community and one more thing -

    You don't have all your magic.

    What dark force has brought everyone here and left them without magic? And what ties does it have to the late night attacks?

    Welcome to the Time Warp - A Multi-Era HP Game
    Premise | Available | Cast | Rules | Wanted | FAQ | Apply | Game | OOC | Mods

    Poseidon Academy, an educational institution by the shores of the ocean, is home to people of all different ages, from all different places. They are teachers, faculty, students and townspeople, each serving an important purpose, playing a crucial role in the Academy's greater community. Reachable through a nexus -- a strange and inexplicable phenomenon that allows passage between worlds and times -- the Academy exists largely in a world of its own. All races, all ages, all sentient forms of life are welcomed with open arms to the Academy. Some are more benevolent than others, but that's the risk of a place such as this; that is what gives the Academy its color.

    Nearly all fandoms and genres are happily accepted into the Academy, so long as they can find a place, their own little niche, in which to fit within Poseidon's community. If you're interested in joining the Academy's varied and diverse population, please take the time to explore further using the links provided below. Any other questions that you may have, feel free to address them to the moderators, who will be happy to provide whatever answers they can.

    Setting , Rules , Taken Characters A - M , Taken Characters N - Z , Application

    Mod Contact:
    AIM: trouble truffle

    A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

    For five centures, the Targaryens have reigned, yet now the powers of the world watch with greedy anticipation as Westeros sinks into turmoil. The lords of the land have met in Kings Landing to celebrate the coronation, but who among them is already a traitor?


    New Directions: a Glee RPG


    You've watched the show, now play the game.

    Character Directory
    Player Directory
    FAQ/Drop Box
    William McKinley High School. In 1993, the Glee Club had just won Nationals. They had the world at their feet. They ruled the school. They couldn't have been considered cooler.

    But now, it's 2010 and though they've won Sectionals, it's been a long time since the Glee Club was considered anything close to "cool." Now they're the bottom of the heap, the misfits of the school. No one has faith in them at all...but one man: Spanish teacher, Will Schuester. He basked in the glow of the '93 Glee Club and wants to return it to its former glory. Unfortunately, there are dark forces plotting against this grand scheme...namely, cheerleaders. Will the "gleeks" triumph or crash and burn? Only time will tell...

    [info]new_directions is the oldest Glee RPG on IJ and has been open for active play since September, so we won't be going anywhere any time soon. We've still got some canon characters open, and also accept OCs (students, teachers, anything that you can think of to fit in the setting.) The application is fairly simple. We're a friendly, active group and hope to find more people to join the fun!

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