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Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    ::Rules::Application::Character List::Wanted Characters::Holds::Housing::
    Mundus District, located in the city of London.....Ontario.
    Odd and strange things have been happening in the district. Its been receiving new tennents...they just don't know it yet.

    All over the world, people have been falling asleep in their homes, only to wake up in a new apartment, on a street they don't recognize.

    No one seems to know why, but who would really care? London is a wonderful place, just off of Lake Huron. The rooms have everything they need, and the city is full of fun and interesting things to do.

    Bars, casinos, fine dining, ample employment....what will you do with your stay in Mundus District?
    Eidolon City

    Everyone needs something to believe in. Heroes to cheer and villains to condemn. It's just a little closer to home here.

    Myths and legends walk among us. Fairytales live next door. Ideas and beliefs in human form, manifestations of everything that makes us human - stories made flesh.

    Welcome to Eidolon City, where nothing is quite what it seems. Where the man on the street corner could very well be born out of ideas, a walking representation of the Big Bad Wolf, maybe. Or of Hercules. Or maybe he's simply another guy, trying to make his way in the world.

    Eidolon City is a brand new game, opening 25th July 2009. Set in a noir-type world, Eidolon City is an original character game. We are looking for characters that are manifestations of fairytales, legends and myths, as well as looking for characters which are just ordinary people.

    Eidolon City is a unique game - check it out today!

    ~*~ Eidolon City ~*~ Premise ~*~ Application ~*~
    ~*~ Game Information ~*~
    ~*~Rules ~*~ FAQs ~*~PB Reserve ~*~
    The Field: A Game Of Survival In An Alien World

    you're not dreaming )
    RulesPremiseF.A.Q.ApplicationDrop BoxCharacter List
    Cast PageWeatherSafe HousesFriends Button/Contact

    Lord Voldemort fell to his demise on May 02, 1998 at the hands of The Boy-Who-Lived. Harry Potter and the rest of the wizarding world were left to clean up the mess that was left behind, but it all seemed worth it if that meant they were free of such a great and terrible wizard. Many of the Dark Lord's followers were found guilty and sentenced to spend time in Azkaban prison, and Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed as the new Minister of Magic. He had hired Harry, Ron, and Neville shortly after the battle to help him in his pursuit to find the remainder of Voldemort's followers, and the dark era finally seemed as if it was coming to an end.

    It is now 2001 and while the wizarding world is still struggling to pick up the pieces from the destruction that the war produced. People no longer have to live in fear of Voldemort targeting their family because they did not follow the Death Eater's regime, and they are free to live their every day lives as normal as possible for witches and wizards. They go to work and come home to their families, they're purchasing flats and no longer clutch their wands while they are alone. But their false sense of security is about to be turned upside down.

    A dark force has begun to rise up into their midst, a dark force that no one saw coming. No one except for the one that made the prophecy so many years ago. He is coming from a foreign country, and the Death Eaters are starting to feel this new rush of power that is beginning to make their Marks more troublesome than they had been in the past few years. Will the Death Eaters concede to this new force that is slowly approaching in hopes of creating a new Dark Lord, or will they rebel against it? And will the supporters of the Order of the Phoenix fight back against them, or be forced into hiding? Only time will tell.
    What side will you choose?
    Oh Marvelous
    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel RPG
    ~*~“Evolution is not a force, but a process. Not a cause, but a law.” (John Morley)~*~

    For years man has been evolving, quietly and subtly, on the periphery of human awareness. In recent years these evolutionary mutations have taken on more extravagant and dangerous forms, attracting the attention of homo-sapiens. The humans do not like what they see. To make matter worse, many of these mutants have turned to villainy, terrorizing the public and affirming the fear and hatred towards mutants harbored by human race. Reactionary measures have been taken, most notably in America and Great Britain, requiring mutants to register with the governments.

    Mutant organizations, some for good and some for evil, have sprung up all over the planet. In response to the growing threat of super-powered villains, the American S.H.I.E.L.D. organization has taken the initiative to produce the first government sanctioned “super-hero” the Avengers. Meanwhile, despite mounting public distrust, philanthropist Charles Xavier continues his efforts towards peaceful mutant-human relations with his X-Men and his school for young mutants in Westchester, New York. At the Muir Island research facility a subsidiary of the X-Men team has been formed by geneticist Moira MacTaggert, calling itself Excalibur. In contrast to these “heroes” the mutant called Magneto, disillusioned with an intolerant majority, has built the island haven of Genosha and formed the “activist” Brotherhood of Mutants. More groups are formed all the time, from devious government factions to would-be champions. Many mutants choose no affiliation, fighting the system as lone rebels or staying hidden in the shadows. In this politically and socially precarious world, how will you choose to live your life?

    | [info]ohmarvelousmod | [info]oh_marvelous | [info]oh_marvelousooc |


    There was no warning and no trigger. No cosmic event to suddenly set their genes into action. They developed over time, from gifted infants to troubled youths to trouble-making young adults. They couldn't fit in so the they fit the world to their needs.

    They changed everything.

    It's been thirty-five years since the first cases were documented, but it's become apparent that the change has been going on for longer. Evolution doesn't wait to be taken on record.

    The year is 2009. The United States hasn't been a unified country for a full decade now. Those in power have become those with power and they have redrawn the borders to reflect supremacy and megalomania. Fiefdoms and warlords battle over the available land. Those with abilities are split between followers, criminals and unwilling participants in the skirmishes that separate areas of influence. Those without have little choice - either attempt to take refuge in Seattle, the last bastion of 'normal' resistance, or make a deal with the devil and sell out to buy out some semblance of existence in the 'freak' territories.

    Warlords is an original-character only game for characters with abilities or the lack thereof.

    Most Wanted: Yazhi Wheeler, mutants, normals.


    Welcome to Miami!

    + An all new city based, played by community.
    + All character types welcome.
    + Check out [info]miami_mods for more information!

    Epic Cycle: A Modern Adult Greek Gods RP

    Time and again, attempts against the reign of Zeus failed, so Gaia waited. She waited until they were weakened, until they were all but forgotten, until the mortals had turned to false beliefs and abandoned the old, true ways... For hundreds of years, they have been living as mortals, dying and being reborn, banished from the immortal realm, living a perpetual existence of misery and mortality. But can the gods remember the ways of their past, and regain their rightful places?



    premise | rules | f.a.q.s | powers | characters | played bys | application | player contact

    Fact: 1 in 1,000 people has a natural immunity to the Fury Virus. That means in the world 6,706,999 people are immune. 30,382 in the US. 4,301 in Colorado. 2,506 in Denver...

    In July of 2012 a pathogen that came to be known as The Fury Virus was released by a cult of religious fanatics who believed they were destined to do so in order to bring about the apocalypse. Their goal was to purge the Earth of sinners, people unworthy to stand upon it. Only the righteous would remain, those that had earned their place in the new world.

    Everything did not go according to plan. The virus was uncontrollable. No continent, no country, no city was spared. The infection spread everywhere, mercilessly and indiscriminately killing saints and sinners alike . In the end, only a small percentage of people were left alive, but they were not the righteous. They'd simply won the genetic lottery, blessed with immunity and cursed with the burden of watching the world fall apart around them.

    Then there were the others, another small percentage of the population, who didn't die from the virus. They were changed though. Changed into beings made up purely of madness and rage. They killed without thought or hesitation. Those that survived the virus without succumbing to madness were now forced to fight for the lives they were trying to rebuild. The creatures, those that were changed, were called Eaters, due to their insatiable appetite for living flesh.

    One group of survivors made the drive up Mount Evans, to the University of Denver's Meyer-Womble Observatory, away from the packs of Eaters that roamed the cities and the plain. There, they started a new life, building a new home known as Haven. For the last eight months, they've worked tirelessly, building walls to keep their new home safe. What they can't make or grow on their own, they raid from the mostly empty city of Denver. The Eaters still come, roving bands looking for flesh to sate their hunger. The residents of Haven must fight for their lives and work together to survive.

    Now OPEN!


    Cave Inimicum


    It's summer 2000 and the wizarding world is only just starting to recover from the last wizarding war. Harry, Ron and Neville have just finished putting away the Death Eaters who had gotten away the night of the final battle and all is calm...

    ...Or so they think. Someone is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to make their move. They're gathering followers, but what side are they on? Is it a Death Eater the recovery squad failed to capture? Or a supporter? It could even be a muggleborn waiting to make their move. Only time will tell and when it happens, what side will you be on?

    Cave Inimicum is a canon compliant post-DH game looking for talented and dedicated writers, apply now!

    Game opens at 15 characters.
    Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Weasleys, Death Eaters, Order Members and many others

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