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Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Darkness Rising

    Summer, 1978.

    Voldemort and his forces are getting closer to fully having control. After spending months fighting the Imperius Curse from Lord Voldemort, Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold, has completely broken from the Dark Lord’s control, a result of weeks of deception on her part. Aurors nearly caught Voldemort, but three Aurors were killed in the process and now the weakening Department of Magical Law Enforcement is getting desperate for more man-power.

    Greyback is turning werewolves secretly and plans to break into the Ministry of Magic, when he’s not stalking Remus Lupin’s fiancée, Dorcas Meadowes.

    Alice Longbottom’s father, responsible for the death of her daughter, has been murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange, but the Ministry only has their eyes set on the Longbottoms and Dumbledore for the culprits.

    Not to mention, Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape have kidnapped Minerva McGonagall and Alastor Moody’s daughter and Severus has been spotted. The Aurors are close to unraveling the plot.

    Things are just beginning to get interesting.

    Want to join in on the terror?

    You can. All you have to do is join.

    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Premise | Member Testimonials | Darkness Rising RPG Community


    Taken || Jobs/Holds || Wanted || Application
    [info]chi_town || [info]chitownmod || [info]chi_town_ooc || [info]chitown_lines

    Chicago is the largest city in the state of Illinois, and with over 2.8 million people is the third largest city in the United States. Located on the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan, Chicago is the third-most densely populated major city in the United States, and anchor to the world's 26th largest metropolitan area with over 9.5 million people across three states.

    Chi-town is a game where you have the freedom to create your own original character and play them in a normal town setting, providing you with the opportunity for character development and growth, as well as character interaction with other characters in the game.


    [info]chi_town is a brand new town-based RPG game. Plenty of PBs are open and there's plenty of job opportunities for your characters open, as well as ones you can create yourself! [info]chitown_lines is available to join before you're added for storyline purposes, so feel free to join there to look for lines before writing up or applying with your character! Come join [info]chi_town (via [info]chitownmod) today!

    Please feel free to join [info]commedia; a personal project of mine, aiming to review and analyze comics (and other selected media) that feature DC Comics' The Joker. It is currently a WIP because I am still going through my 500+ issues collection, which is entirely comprised of 'real/hardcopy' comic books and graphic novels. I do not download torrents/scans.

    I'd like to point out that currently I have two polls up for debate, as can be seen here explaining two routes the asylum's project can take. IE: spoiler free reviews, spoilerific reviews, and whatnot. =) Otherwise, the FAQ and The Rules are already up.

    I am also open to affiliating with other comic book and/or Batman related asylums, except for RPGs.

    Current Mood: cheerful

    Benoit Lycées de Sorcellerie for boys was founded in 1735 in Dordogne France. It was established for the sons of the Wizarding Elite, during the French Revolution to keep the nobel sons save from the lower classes, so they could prosper in the future.

    Benoit Lycées provides a good environment to keep their students on track in their studies, while still experiencing unique opportunities in extracurricular activities, and developing learning, leadership and problem solving skills important for their future endeavours.

    The curriculum is more demanding than some of the other Wizard schools, but we have capable staff that are always there to provide the help students with their every need. At Benoit Lycées de Sorcellerie, they will become the men they are destined to be.

    This is an all boy, slash friendly social game based in France. The game is set in the present year, many years after the War conflict in England. Everything is relativity peaceful in the World, and another school year is about to start.

    Characters Houses Application Rules FAQ PBs Professors Classes Class Roster Quidditch Clubs

    Now Open!
    Wanted: Prefects! Waldgrave Quidditch Players! Chevalier Students! Siblings!

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