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Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

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    The gods have not faded away, or been reborn. They are not in high school. They have not forgotten who they were. They remember, because they still exist.

    Though their followers are fewer and less vocal, once a god, always a god. The important things have not changed with the passage of time, though with the advance of the mortal world, gods have discovered the joys of modernization. Because even a Muse can appreciate an iPod.

    Of course the Sumerians are still insular (and a tad stuck up), the Greeks still squabble amongst themselves more than they do with the other pantheons, and the Norse… well, with Loki on the loose and Ragnarok threatened, they do have their hands full.

    In every pantheon, just as in any group of individuals, you have those that are warm, friendly and open. And those that never learned to work and play well with others. How will they manage to coexist? How have they done so thus far? What happens when Anubis meets Hades? Or Thor challenges Nergal?

    Come help us answer those questions and tell those stories.
      [info]deities_dot_com is our main RP community
      [info]history_dot_com is our past-date community
      [info]pantheon_dot_co is our OOC community

    Your friendly DDC moderators are:
      [info]moirai (The Fates)
      [info]urdarbrunnr (The Norns)
    We look forward to seeing you soon!


    Ever since being created back in the seventies Polari has been one of the many consistent gay magazines in London, never being listed as one of the top ones but never being shut down either. For nearly forty years this has never changed. Until now. After having no choice but sell the magazine due its financial difficulties, Polari has ended up as a property of a huge publishing company whose plan is to change the magazine completely. Make it the gay man’s Cosmo and FHM both collided in one. New staff has been hired to ensure that the magazine reaches it potential. The only few rules upon hiring staff so far have been that they have to be young, stylish and gay.




    It's Christmas in July!

    And Father Christmas needs your help granting a few Christmas wishes...

    A hot-dog gun for Justin.
    Some 7th Years for Demelza
    Padma Patil!
    A peer group for Colin
    A Magnum P.I. moustache for Anthony.

    ...just to name a few!

    Just For Kicks is a trio-era, Hogwarts based RPG that is - you guessed it! - Just For Kicks. It's all about putting the 'play' back into role-paying and having a good time. We are looking to add a few more characters to our cast & maybe get a few wishes granted along the way.

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    Many years have passed since the final battle raged at Hogwarts. The world has been at peace, but many post war efforts are still being put into place. Some efforts have taken years to go into effect and the newest one has yet to come into play. How will students react? Parents? We will all have to see.

    What if the Hogwarts no longer had houses? Would it bring peace or cause disruption no one could have foreseen?

    Is there still a darkness lurking out there in the shadows?

    Welcome to Shadows in the Light, an AU next generation Harry Potter roleplay game set in the year 2022.

    Game now open!
    Mischief Managed


    Mischief Managed is an original character, contemporary Harry Potter RPG currently seeking talented writers. We are a unique community of original characters that still respect the canon laws of the Harry Potter universe. We value in-depth character development and mature writers (Mary-Sues and self-inserts will not be considered.) This is an HP board for dedicated writers and storytellers that enjoy collaborating with their fellow 'students' to create their own history.

    We welcome people to apply for professors, as Mischief Managed is one of the few boards that holds active classes in any and all Hogwarts subjects, but we are also looking for students of all houses and ages (especially Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws!) As a moderator, I can tell you that we are always open to new plots and new faces, so feel free to contact the mod account at We look forward to hearing from you!

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    It's 1925, and the country is in the middle of Prohibition, with what looks to be no end in sight. Savvy businessmen from New York to San Francisco and Chi-town to the Big Easy are making big bucks running the rum...along with the brandy, whisky, wine, and whatever else they can smuggle in. Hot water bottles, ladies foundation garments,'s all fair game to the gangsters. Only heaven help anyone who gets in their way.

    Luckily, some of the competition has an edge. Mutant powers. The government doesn't want anyone to know about it. They're trying to keep order in this crazy mixed up world. The official story is that mutants don't exist. But hey...the mob will take whatever help it can get. Any edge is a good one.

    For more information, Click Here

    Tons of good characters are available! Officially the game has started, but plot has been progressing slowly and characters have been dropped due to real life commitments. Please take a look.
    Velvet and Gold Banner

    1535, a time of high tension in the Royal Court of England. The church is splitting in two as Catholicism is being threatened by Reformists and the dread Lutheranism. Plague ravages the lands, spreading the "Sweating Sickness" amongst the people in the most popular areas. Englishmen are tried and punished for not taking the Oath of Allegiance, England is at odds with the greater part of Europe, and the realm is in a continued state of unrest because of the King's "Great Matter" over who is the rightful Queen, Katherine or Anne.

    In the Court, scandals spreads between the many factions. The love lives of the upper class seem to feed the wildfires of their gossip. No nighttime rendez-vous goes unnoticed, no bed stays cold for long, no young and innocent lady stays young and innocent.

    Treachery, deceit and scandal. In the great power struggle of the Tudor court, will you prove victorious?

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