May 31st, 2008

[info]yohjideranged in [info]80sficpicalooza

Thank you for your participation!

Wow! This ficfest exceeded my expectations on so many levels.

The participation was fantastic for the first run. So, writers, thank you for all your hard work!

The fiction perverted some cherished childhood memories. It was nice to see some of the old fandoms rekindled again.

I have tagged and cataloged the entries and in the next couple weeks I will have a master list of what was written.

Do let me know what you all think of running another 80s writing fest in the future. If everyone is keen on making it happen, I am thinking about a September/October time-frame.

If you still have stories that you are planning on getting finished, please feel free to now post them here at will. I will catalog, tag and add them to the master list as they come in.

Again, thank you all for your participation. I had a great deal of fun and I hope you did too!