May 10th, 2008

[info]yohjideranged in [info]80sficpicalooza

Re: Posting of completed work

Hi everyone! How are the stories coming?

Not so good huh?

A little frustrated at IJ downtime? Did the lost servers randomly eat what you just posted?

How about that brain mush after work or school? Just can't manage a fic right then?


This asylum is about having fun and exploring fandoms long forgotten - challenging yourselves to write or draw something about one of your first loves.

The posting dates are just what we like to call guidelines. These dates are not set in stone, so if you miss your day to post DON'T STRESS on it! They are only there so that your flist doesn't get flooded all in one day with the masterpieces that are churned out from your warped minds. You can always post late and it will be no big deal! The world isn't going to implode just because your fic didn't get posted on the date it was supposed to be handed in.  We all have lives and we all understand the little hiccups that happen during those lives (Believe me, I had a few hiccups this morning. You know, it seems like when you finally get rid of the hiccups they to want to come back again that same day!)

It's up to you whether you take on the challenge you signed up for and we all know how a writer's mind can day it's there and the next... nothing.

Have fun with this - that is the most important thing!