4bidden Social

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February 13th, 2015

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TYPE: Blog
WHO: Public
WHEN: Week 13; Monday afternoon

This time of year always feels so strange to me. Fae aren't usually big Christmas celebrators, but I've lived here for so long I'm used to it all now. I also feel like with a human in the house, maybe this year will be different. Who knows?

September 25th, 2014

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When: Sunday week 6; evening
Type: blog

So today is my birthday. A whole year gone by once again. Honestly I had forgotten about it until tonight when I logged into this account and it told me. I haven't actually celebrated it in a few years so it's not terribly surprising. I'd been too busy with medical school and my internship.

River, I know I haven't been able to see you and I'm sorry. I really don't have an excuse or reason. Maybe this Giles will allow us to meet?

August 26th, 2014

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Date: Week #4, Monday afternoon
Type: Blog; open

I feel like a party. There's something about being Fae that just makes me uneasy if I don't go to a really big, balls to the wall bash, from time to time. I'm open to suggestions.

August 12th, 2014

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[[Blog: Open]]
[[Week 3, Monday Evening]]

I've had this tablet for a few weeks but haven't really bothered to use it. I haven't had much to do lately so I figured I'd give it a try.

My name is Simon Tam and I was recently purchased by a man named Morgan. He runs the club Avalon and seems nice enough Though part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I find it hard, figuring out what to do with myself. I think that it's something only those who become slaves may understand. I spent my whole life training to become a doctor, to follow in my fathers footsteps. Then my sister needed my help and I did all I could to keep her safe and protected. Now she's gone and I can no longer practice medicine. I feel like so much of who I am has been taken away. It feels like all that's left is a hollow shell, going through the motions of day to day work. I wonder if I'll start to feel more like myself again.
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