4bidden Social

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September 5th, 2014

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DATE: Week 4. Wednesday. Afternoon.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

Day twenty five of Hell. ...things are becoming better? Or maybe I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my mind.

He Who Must Not Be Named In Public took away my laptop earlier this week because I was apparently poking the bears. I wasn't poking anyone. It isn't my fault that people want to help me escape or eat me. I'm tasty.

But he did give me clothes so no more naked Gifs of me. Well semi naked. All you guys got to see was my collar bones anyways.

So I looked like this when He Who Must Not Be Named In Public took my laptop away. I was completely bored out of my mind.

August 7th, 2014

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DATE: Week 3. Tuesday. Afternoon.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

Day seventeen of Hell. ...things are becoming confusing. He Who Must Not Be Named In Public hasn't found a reason to torment punish discipline me for my 'bad' behavior. I don't know if he is going so on me or has just become use to my mouth. Oh god. Now I'm remembering him using my mouth. Damn it.

ANYWAYS I still haven't been able to leave the room. I want to leave the room. Someone tell He Who Must Not Be Named In Public that I should be allowed to leave my room.

Here is a Gif from the same session as before for encouragement since a lot of people seemed to like the last one. Dirty minds.

I honestly don't know what I was doing. Moving around?

[Private to Scott]
... hey buddy? Are you still around? You said you knew Derek Hale right? Do you think you could talk to him about coming to see me? I really want to see you and I need to talk to someone other then the asshole.

July 28th, 2014

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DATE: Week 2. Tuesday. Afternoon.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

Day ten. I'm now in the double digits of being stuck in the same room. Please someone save me.

My Master Asshole Puppy Dog The person that I can't call a name, not even his own name, in public but I refuse to call him by his title still hasn't let me out of my room. Well there was a couple of hours yesterday but those are unimportant. What is important is that I know every nook and cranny in this room. I know how many floorboards there are. I know where all the indents in the wall are. I know where the dust likes to gather. It is under the bed, for anyone that is curious, and I'm pretty sure it is mating. I will soon have dust bunnies to call my own.

I'm so bored that I made a gif of myself. Yes, you read that right a gif. Said gif and not jif.

It is of me blinking. Enjoy.

July 17th, 2014

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DATE: Week 1. Thursday. Morning.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

Day five? Could be four if you don't count Sunday but I'm counting Sunday. Day five in my one room prison.

The asshole that owns me doesn't like that I haven't taken to the wonderful life of being a slave, a personal slave at that, and has me locked up in my bedroom. Such a wonderful life a slave leads. Is anyone else bored out of their freaking mind or is it just me?

Come on. Someone talk to me here. I need some sort of escape from this hell I'm currently living in.
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