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July 19th, 2014

[Blog Entry: Week 1, Saturday afternoon]

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It looks like what I thought would be just a simple visit to this island has become something more permanent. I never thought I would actually leave Mystic Falls, but here I am all the way across the country. Still, I'm pretty happy about it for the most part. I'll be living with my best friend and I've even got a job interview on Monday. Adulthood just kind of...snuck up on me.

[Email to Dante Razin, Week 1, Late Saturday Night]

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You have (1) new message )

July 18th, 2014

Week 1, Friday Late Night, Instagram

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jrsully Instagram )

July 17th, 2014

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Type: Blog; open
Week 1, Wednesday, Afternoon.

Well I was just blinded again as I entered my home. I want to know who thought neon green, with a fucking neon orange door was a good idea. They either need their eyes checked or to be shoot fucking dead.

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DATE: Week 1. Thursday. Morning.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

Day five? Could be four if you don't count Sunday but I'm counting Sunday. Day five in my one room prison.

The asshole that owns me doesn't like that I haven't taken to the wonderful life of being a slave, a personal slave at that, and has me locked up in my bedroom. Such a wonderful life a slave leads. Is anyone else bored out of their freaking mind or is it just me?

Come on. Someone talk to me here. I need some sort of escape from this hell I'm currently living in.

journal entry; open

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[Week 1; Saturday, afternoon]

I'm not sure if I would've been happier staying in Virginia, or if it's better to be here. I guess it's pretty bittersweet, in the end. I probably just miss freedom

Text to Claudia

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[Week 1; Friday night]
Type: Text to Claudia

- Hey.... so you'll never guess.

July 16th, 2014

Open Journal Entry

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[Week 1; Thursday the 16th 3:00pm]

Jet lag is a real pain. I've been in the States a few days and I'm still exhausted. I know it's the middle of the day, but I'd much rather be curled under my covers right now.

journal entry open.

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[Week one, Friday afternoon]

Good afternoon everyone and hello. My name is Tabitha and I'm new to town, so I felt it's only proper to introduce myself. I'm currently renovating the old manor on Mockingbird lane. I was actually wondering if anyone knew of a good handyman or two looking for some work? While I have some help and some contractors lined up for work, if I want to make the place fully livable by winter, I think I need a few more hands.

journal entry; open

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[week 1; Thursday, morning. italics in French.]

I don't think I'll ever stop missing Paris. I am an outcast here and it makes me feel helpless to be so far from home. Still, I'll try to make the best of it and learn.

edit: And remember I have to use English.

July 15th, 2014

Blog; Open

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[Week 1; Friday Morning]
Type: Pixie's Mommy Blog; Open

My daughter came home yesterday! Whoo! I've missed my baby girl so much. I miss my son more. He doesn't come home until Thanksgiving! That is so far away!

But back to my daughter. I want her to know her father, I do. My son doesn't know his and I think he resents me for it. Her father isn't a horrible man, and I do owe him a lot, but our parenting skills are, shall we say, different. When my daughter was younger, I let her drink from me. It was a way to get her to learn self control, and I was an over paranoid mother who didn't trust blood bags and donors, no offense, so she drank from me. When she was a baby, I had a friend of mine extract my blood through an IV and I interchanged between a regular bottle and a bottle mixed with some of my blood. But around the age of 8, I weaned her off of feeding on me, and started her on blood bags, after I was highly convinced they were safe. Sorry, still a paranoid momma. I know that my blood is safe, but how can I know that about other people's?

Anywho, my daughter came home yesterday and when I handed her a glass of blood with dinner, she asked about having a donor. I told her that the blood bags were fine, I heat them up in the microwave and it's just fine. Then she threw words at me that just about every parent hates to hear, "Well dad let's me ..." Argh!! Her father pays donor for himself, and now he has bought one for her too. Here's my biggest problem. HE DIDN'T CONSULT ME FIRST! We're supposed to be raising her together. And yes, he's going to be more of an expert on vampire stuff than me, obviously, but making the decision to switch back to a living person to feed from without at least telling me about it, is just wrong! I would have liked to talked to this person over the phone, at least, and find out some of this person's history.

Her father said he'd send over their medical records via email, but that doesn't make it better. It doesn't change the fact that he made a crucial decision in OUR daughter's life without involving me. And now she's expecting the same treatment here that she gets from over there. Um, no. And she's 14 so bring on the teenage drama queen attitude anytime I use and form of the word 'no'.

Am I wrong here?

July 13th, 2014

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DATE: Week 1. Monday. Afternoon.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

My new 'master' is an idiot. I just thought everyone should know. I don't know about anyone else but sitting around and doing nothing isn't my kind of fun. What's worse is that I'm stuck in a house with a bunch of cats. I expect one of them to cough up a furball at any moment.

Anyone know how to get the chip out of your neck without decapitating yourself? Because I rather live.

Week one, Thursday, Midafternoon

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HA! Just managed to get my new flyer up and done. So yeah, like the paper says ladies and gents, come on by to the Avalon tomorrow night for your first chance to hear some sick tracks and dance your asses off.

Text to Caroline

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DATE: Week 1. Tuesday. Afternoon.
TYPE: Text

> Caroline, please tell me you haven't changed your number yet.
> Klaus has probably told you already but his brother bought me.
> Please respond. I'm desperate here.

Blog Post [Week 1, Wednesday Evening]

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So the new town's kinda nice in a quaintish way. I'm getting a distinct place old people come to retire vibe, so is there anything more interesting to do than a weekly Pinochle club down at the senior center? This question coming from a 19-something who could use a place to stretch her legs. PG answers to that question only, please. I wouldn't want to upset Master Ambrose and all that.

Speaking of which, he's looking to have people over some time in the coming weeks, so hit him up and make friends. He likes fancy things, and I'm pretty sure most of his Supernatural powers are carried in his suits because he wears them 24/7. The power of microwaves elude him, and I don't think he owned a television set until he bought me.

Delivery for Bella, c/o Michael Meru (Week 1, Weds)

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(Delivered Week 1, Wednesday afternoon with a note reading: Bella, Please accept these flowers and my apology for my rudeness at our first meeting. I hope to see you again soon, under better circumstances.)

July 12th, 2014

Blog; private

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[Week 1; Saturday evening]

Tomorrow will be one week. One whole week of this new life. One whole week without him, without any real worry for my safety or my life, without being made to feel as if I am worthless. I survived this week. I can't help but think of this song. These lyrics speak to me, as if they're about me:

How much can one bruised body take? )

July 10th, 2014

Blog Post [Week 1, Tuesday Evening]

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I'm going to be working late, again.

The next rat faced little musician that fancies themselves a techie and messes with my coding is getting a keyboard across the face.

Someone bring me pizza?

Blog entry; Open

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[Week 1; Thursday afternoon]

"A woman happily in love, burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, forgets to turn the oven on." A cute quote from a cute movie called Sabrina.

But what about a woman who remembers to turn on the oven, doesn't burn the soufflé, but it always ends up collapsing? I think I've made ONE perfect soufflé. ONE! Just one!

I can do cakes, cupcakes, croissants, and even funnel cakes. I've even made a pretty good baked Alaskan, those things aren't easy you know. And yet soufflés seem to just slip through my fingers.

If anyone has any helpful ideas, I'd be open to taking them. Thank you.
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