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Apr. 13th, 2008


"Glass" (Baccano!, Luck/Eve)

Title: Glass
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Characters/Pairing: Luck/Eve
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 890
Summary: The head of the Genoard family. She supposes she is. Originally written for porn_battle on Insanejournal.

(Glass - link is to my journal)
Tags: , , ,


S'more icons

Feel free to snag at will!


Fic: Family Rites

This thing is a monster. Hugely speculative Gandor family fiction, go! I'm going to go pass out now.

Title: Family Rites
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gandor family and associates; vague Luck/Claire/(Chane).
Summary: Growing up as a Gandor and growing old as a Gandor: Keith tries marriage, Luck tries ambition, Berga tries uncledom, Claire tries everyone else.
Warnings: Liberties taken with Keith's wife and family; liberties taken probably with everything. 8D

6,405 words and a lot of family politics.

How it began was really very simple: just another one of the family's slightly dysfunctional relationships. )

Apr. 12th, 2008


(ficlet) Words of Wisdom - G

So, there's a few things on [info]porn_battle taking up the call for Mitsuru/Luck pr0n, and that got me thinking that they would have SUCH KICKASS CHILDREN together.

So yeah. Non-porn [info]porn_battle ficlet.
Mitsuru's off-screen, so you don't need to know anything of Persona 3 to enjoy this.
Warning for sleepy baby and backhanded spoilers for the end of Baccano!

Words of Wisdom

The first thing you must do is formulate a plan.... )


(Fic) Working for a Living - Baccano/Persona 3 crossover - NC-17

A [info]porn_battle prompt that uh...kind of ran away with itself. Shinji wanted BACKGROUND and Luck wanted to be a badass and...yeah. >_>

Prompt: Crossover, Baccano!/Persona 3 - Luck/Shinjiro - working for a living

You don't need to know much of anything about Persona 3 to enjoy this. Shinjiro and Akihiko are old friends...that's about it. Very NC-17/NSFW.

Things I had to look up for this fic: finger dislocation, history of rearview mirrors, history of underwear, history of circumcision. Lolz.


"You're the new guy, aren't you? You and your friend, the boxer."Read more... )
Tags: ,


(ficlet) - Molt - PG-13

Yay, Baccano!comm! ^_^ I'll try not to be too annoying as I post some of my stuff here.

I have no idea where this came from. My guess is that this is the fault of the Cat and Kiwi Collective. And evidently Claire doesn't like communicating with me in entire fics. He just likes the snapshots. This feels very spare, but he evidently likes it this way. So I put it up not as, y'know, the perfect example of ficness, but more just cuz I'm done with it and think that some folkses might enjoy it.

Warning for blood and craziness. Spoilers for...pretty much the whole series. Also probably won't make much sense unless you've seen the anime the whole way through. Claire's not much for explanation.


One spring, when they were children, they found a snake by the edge of the lake. Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2008


Baccano! OST, icons

Ee, many shoutouts and thanks to [info]laylah for the pimp - ♥

Here's the Baccano! OST - Spiral Melodies for anyone who's interested. Change the link from xx to tt!

Two icons:

For additional pimping purposes to friends and torrent-unfriendly people, here are episodes one and two, on MU.

Aaand I'm in the process of scanning in some pages of the manga, though they're already available from places like the Baccano! LJ comm.


Apr. 11th, 2008



Opening post! There's probably no one here yet, so I'll sit tight and see what happens. For the time being, some small drabbles crossposted from my journal:

Draw up a seat, and deal yourself in. A game with the Gandors. 166 words.

Cards with the Gandors )

New-found immortality has its perks. Claire finds Luck changed, but not necessarily in a bad way. 261 words.

Claire visits home. )

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