July 25th, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]1931

"Stacked Deck," 0-10/21, assorted cast

Title: "Stacked Deck"
Parts: 0 through 10 of 21
Author: Laylah
Characters: assorted
Rating: worksafe
Word Count: 9x100 and 1x200, 1100 words overall
A/N the first: Credit goes to [info]puella_nerdii for the concept! She mentioned Claire being the Chariot, and I couldn't get the idea of a Baccano! Major Arcana series out of my head.
A/N the second: The Tarot deck I'm most familiar with is the Thoth, which has a few significant differences from the more common Rider-Waite both in name and order of the cards. I've used the Thoth order and names for this set.

Stacked Deck )