sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me ([info]keieeeye) wrote in [info]07refugees,
@ 2007-12-06 23:02:00

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Current music:Richard Hell And The Voidoids: Downtown At Dawn
Entry tags:mod post

Another note/welcome
Due to [info]squeaky's last post in [info]announcements telling us that GreatestJournal users are being directed to create new accounts here because of server strain there, I'm going to open the asylum up to talking about GJ issues as well. I expect that it will still mostly be about LJ simply because the problems going on there are just so insane and there's already a huge base of us from there, but GJ's technical problems are becoming increasingly overwhelming.

So, if you're coming over from GJ, welcome to our corner of the internet. If you have any questions or problems feel free to comment or email me and I'll do what I can to get you sorted out. Remember to use the tags list when you post, and I'll just go and add some for GJ now.

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2007-12-19 05:24 am UTC (link)
Yeah, Squeaky said that he was going to have that fixed in the next code update, which I hope will be soon but I'm not sure exactly. I personally haven't actually seen it, which is slightly comforting, but it'd suck to have it happen that one rare time on a thread that you really liked. And especially since part of what I love about journal-based RP is the actual journal part, with the commenting to each other and all. Scenes you can do on AIM and just post in one entry, but the writing back and forth to each other you can't.

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2007-12-19 05:26 am UTC (link)
Exactly, and I really don't want to lose the writing I've done. Because of the sheer volume of it, I don't save my journal entries/threads to my hd, and I don't want to lose any of them -- especially as one of my boys has his wedding to his boyfriend coming up soon. That's something that I'd like to be able to look back on, and though I'm probably being paranoid, I'd still rather be safe than sorry.

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2007-12-19 05:30 am UTC (link)
The only thing I've backed up from my old RP Exsanguination was a single post. I'm sort of hoping GJ will just sit around, even if it completely decays, because I'm on a Mac and last I saw the archiving tool that ran on Macs didn't save comments. I'm sort of tempted to change the passwords on the most vital accounts and get someone to do it for me. Honestly I could probably live with it if I lost them, but I'd much rather not, simply because that game was just such a big part of my life for so long, and I've since lost touch with my best friend from it. The scenes and journals we did together and the auto-saved logs from my IM client are pretty much all I have left of her now.

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2007-12-19 05:35 am UTC (link)
I think I would feel the same if I were to lose my posts/comments. I'm also hoping that gj will just sit there even if it happens to decay into the wasteland -- that sounds awfully selfish of me, but I have two private lines there who refuse to move to another server, and I'd be upset if I lost them because they're long-term and I've become good friends with my sl partners ooc. It's heartbreaking to lose touch with people who were a large part of your life. I've had it happen before, so I understand how you feel.

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2007-12-19 05:40 am UTC (link)
Yeah, I miss her dreadfully sometimes. It didn't help that at the same time I was having crazy medication issues and having a very rough time emotionally. I was a bit spoiled with that game actually, and it's hard to find anything to measure up now. Hopefully something good will come up here since I took the liberty of creating firstname_lastname for my three favourite characters. :P

I had better go and make dinner, but I'm going to friend you when I get back coz you're cool. :D

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2007-12-19 05:55 am UTC (link)
You're more than welcome to friend me! I've not posted anything in my personal journal yet, though when I do, it will probably be much gushing about my games, and also about music and books (I'm a Brit transplanted to Chicago, and as I don't have a driver's license in this country, I take the bus everywhere -- so I have lots of time to read). In fact, I should be posting something soon about one of my rp couples, because I can't keep myself from gushing over them. But for now, it's past my bedtime, so I shall friend your journal and hopefully talk with you soon!

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