Youka Nitta
1st-Jan-2011 03:40 pm - Yuletide recs

I made some recs/announcements on my personal journal, but realized that those of you not on my F-list might not have seen these. I participated in the Yuletide fic fest this year, and there were three fics written about Youka Nitta fandoms: Boku no Koe, Fuyu no Semi, and a Haru/When a Man Loves a Man crossover.

8th-Jul-2010 02:16 pm - FIC: Unmasked, Parts 19 & 20 (WIP)

Title: Unmasked, Parts 19 & 20
Rating: NC-17 overall
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Pairing: Kikuchi/Onozuka, Iwaki/Katou, Yoshizumi/Kenzaki
Characters: Kikuchi, Onozuka, Iwaki, Katou, Yoshizumi, Mochimune, Kenzaki, Urushizaki
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Word count: ~7,790 for Part 19; ~9,110 for Part 20
Warnings: Very AU departure from canon in this chapter.
Sequel to: Unexpected Opportunities, Comeback (Part 1 and Part 2), Forgiveness, Firsts, First Date (Part 1 and Part 2), Going Steady (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6), Audition (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Cookout (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Press Conference (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Sanctuary, The Prince vs. the Groupie (Part 1, Part 2), and Family Visit: Tokyo (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5), Gigolo (Part 1, Part 2), Yoshizumi's Night Out (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Family Visit: Okinawa (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5), and Interlude. The series also includes two side-stories that are outside of the main timeline: Valentine's Day Surprise and Strictly Business.
Summary: The Academy Awards take place.

Part 19, Part 20
10th-Jun-2010 04:31 pm - FIC: "Just Dessert" (present for snapelike)
Title: Just Dessert
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka, Yoshizumi/Kenzaki
Rating: PG, mainly for some swearing
Wordcount: ~1025
Inspirations: This is a present for [info]snapelike, in celebration of a journalversary. Written completely on the fly today, in a "OMG get this bunny out of my head so I can get on with my life" flail, so there may be some tweaks later. It was prompted in large part by my current obsession with [info]geri_chan's Yoshizumi/Kenzaki arc in her Comeback universe, so this is arguably an AU futurefic for that series as well.
About the dessert: I happened to be looking at this page in a dim sum cookbook last night, about a dessert that looks like Kodak rolls and is nicknamed as such in Hong Kong. I couldn't find any online references to the nickname, so the link will take you to a scan of the page from the cookbook. You can also see a photograph of the dessert at the Wiki entry for black sesame rolls.

Just Dessert

Mochimune had not ordered dessert, so he was startled when the waiter set a small plate in front of him. )
23rd-Nov-2009 07:41 am - Two fics: "Family Visit: Okinawa" and "Interlude"
I posted two new Haru fanfics on my journal in my "Comeback" series...

30th-Sep-2009 10:58 pm - Another Mochimune-like director
In an earlier post, I compared Mochimune to Kurosawa. Today I came across a reference to another famous Japanese director who reminded me a bit of Mochi. I was reading a book called Asian Cinema by Tom Vick. There was, of course, a chapter on Japanese films, and the author spent some time discussing the works of Yasujiro Ozu, who directed such films as I Was Born, But... and Tokyo Story. Vick wrote: "Ozu's directing style allowed for very little freedom for his actors. He dictated every gesture, movement, and line reading, sometimes putting actors through such grueling rehearsals that they were reduced to tears. And yet he repeatedly worked with a handful of dedicated thespian collaborators who understood the value of this harsh treatment." (p.43)
28th-Aug-2009 12:10 am - Fic: How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps
Title: How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka; Kikuchi/Onozuka; Miyasaka/Onozuka
Universe: Haru o Daiteita
Word count: 7,250
Warnings: Fisting (implied), exhibitionism, voyeurism, changing partners, a bit of coercion and dominance.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I had promised to write a few anniversary drabbles for various people... you know... tiny, little stories around 100 words. Last time I did that, it ended with 40K of Carlo/Magira. This time I've limited myself. So this er- drabble is for [info]sexyscholar who wanted "...something around Onozuka/Miyasaka. I don't have a specific plot, but fisting would be lovely, along with an occasional use of the word "slut." I don't have a preference as to who dominates -- let your imagination take you where it will.".
This can be seen as a sequel to Autumn Fire and Masks, Removed. Beta by [info]red_day_dawning.
Also, I had to find a given name for Director Mochimune for this, and it did take me a while, since I plan to write quite a bit more about the man. Mochimune is an old noble name, and as I'd like to stay with the bushi naming, I poked around and found Hideharu (秀治) which can mean "brightness unfolding" or "beauty's reign" - a fitting name for an arrogant, first class film maker. So in the future my Mochimune will be Mochimune Hideharu, except if Nitta-sensei decides something else in the last, final chapter of Haru o Daiteita (which I doubt).
Summary: A drunken challenge and two hurt lovers. Revenge and victory turned on its head. Onozuka has effective ideas when it comes to letting his lover know that he is not satisfied by being treated as a toy to save Kikuchi's pride. Director Mochimune is taught a similar lesson, and Miyasaka learns a bit about feelings himself.

How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps )
24th-Aug-2009 10:44 pm - Is Mochimune the next Kurosawa?
Recently, a friend and I were talking about the latest Studio Ghibli film, which led to a discussion about anime and Japanese films in general. And then my friend, who is something of a film buff, started talking about Akira Kurosawa and claimed that Kurosawa hated actors, and that Toshiro Mifune was the only one that he really respected.

25th-Jul-2009 09:21 pm - Honorifics, Iwaki&Katou's relationship and Mochimune...
A bit about honorifics in Haru vol. 10&11... In 11, ch. 1 there is a lot of Onozuka-Miyasaka-Iwaki-Katou action, and the use of honorifics says quite a lot about their relationships at this point.
First of all, this made me rethink the relationship between Iwaki and Katou. We have assumed that it is Iwaki who holds back, mainly based on the fact that Katou and he have had a discussion about given names, and when to use them. But if we look at how Iwaki and Katou address each other and how they speak about each other to other people, it is clear that Iwaki's relationship with Katou is more... intimate than we think - he is not holding back. No, it is actually Katou who might be the one who (inadvertently, perhaps) who have set the up barrier which prevents that the family names are put away. It is Katou, after all, who tells Iwaki that he'll reward him by calling him Kyousuke at the Golden anniversary whereas Iwaki wants call Katou Yousuke already at their Silver ann. :D

Here is why: Iwaki always - always - adresses Katou with no honorific. He speaks of him in the same way, thus signaling that their relationship is a deep and intimate one. Katou, on the other hand always uses the respectful -san, both when he speaks with Iwaki, and when he speaks of him. -San is of course a vastly more intimate address than "Mr" - which can in no way be compared to -san. This sets up an invisible barrier - it is one of respect and care, but a barrier nevertheless.

Now, on to Miyasaka and Onozuka. It is obvious that the two fools young men are casual with honorifics. They call each other -kun, and Onozuka makes a small distinction (maybe because he's the brain) and calls Miyasaka Miya-chan as often as -kun. -Chan is of course a loving address, between very good friends, more intimate than -kun. It happens often, especially if they're angry at each other, that the honorifics are dropped. The same goes for the their respectful language when it comes to Katou. Miyasaka and Onozuka also speaks of Katou without the -kun, just as Katou addresses the both of them with or without the -kun added. Katou, on the other hand, is angry when he thinks Onozuka dares call Iwaki Nii-san (in ch 2/36).

It should be noted that honorifics are never used when a worker from one company speaks of a colleague to others. This is a part of the humble language (keigo): one never raises up one's own company by using honorifics added to co-workers' names. I don't think this has anything to do with the three friends here, but it is worth remembering.

On an entirely different note... Mochimune... his name seems to be written with two non-touyou kanji, which means that they are not on the government-approved list of approximately 2,000 kanji that one needs to know to read modern Japanese (I suck at kanji, so I might be wrong here). However, the name Mochimune *is* an old high-ranking bushi (daimyo, shogun, shogunate administrators-all warrior nobles) name from the time that only 20% of the Japanese (namely the noble and the bushi - the samurai) were allowed family names. Might explain his immense arrogance. *loves on him*
31st-May-2009 05:04 pm - FIC: Press Conference, Parts 1-3
Title: Press Conference, Parts 1-3
Rating: PG
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Pairing: Kikuchi/Onozuka, Iwaki/Katou
Characters: Iwaki, Katou, Miyasaka, Kikuchi, Onozuka, Yoshizumi, Asano, Mochimune
Word count: ~3,735 for Part 1, ~6,050 for Part 2, and ~1,450 for Part 3
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Sequel to: Unexpected Opportunities, Comeback (Part 1 and Part 2), Forgiveness, Firsts, First Date (Part 1 and Part 2), Going Steady (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6), Audition (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), and Cookout (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). The series also includes two side-stories that are outside of the main timeline: Valentine's Day Surprise and Strictly Business.
Summary: Iwaki, Katou, and Miyasaka watch the press conference for Kikuchi's and Onozuka's upcoming movie--as does Onozuka's family, unbeknownst to him. Mochimune watches the press conference in Part 3.

Follow the links to my journal: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
28th-May-2009 09:02 am - Ficlet: Autumn Fire (Mochimune/Miyasaka; PG)
Title: Autumn Fire
Pairing: Mochimune/Miyasaka
Word count: 450
Rating: PG
Notes: For [info]geri_chan
Prompt: "Mochimune/Miyasaka! Miyasaka auditioning for Mochimune's film, or maybe Mochi working with Miyasaka in private to help him get a scene right."

Autumn Fire )
19th-Mar-2009 06:52 pm - Questions about Yoshizumi and Mochimune (and others)--ages and honorifics
[info]lore  and I were getting into a discussion about Yoshizumi's age in this post. I started off with this question:

How old is Yoshizumi? I get the impression that he's closer to Katou's age than Iwaki's, but he refers to Iwaki as "kun" rather than "san". Because even though he's younger, he's still Iwaki's senior in acting experience? Because he feels comfortable enough around Iwaki (and Katou) to be casual with them? He seems to be an experienced actor, because he says he acts in period dramas "all the time," which is why he is familiar with Kyoto. But he seems kind of young to be that experienced, so is he older than he looks, or maybe he's been acting since he was a kid?
13th-Mar-2009 11:43 pm - FIC: Strictly Business
Title: Strictly Business
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Pairing: Kikuchi/Onozuka, Katou/Onozuka (in the fictional movie only)
Characters: Katou, Kikuchi, Onozuka, Mochimune
Word count: ~410
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Prompt: Business
Summary: Katou and Kikuchi clash on the set of Mochimune's latest movie.

Author's note: This can stand on its own if you haven't read the previous fics, but it's sort of a sneak peek at a future sequel in my "Comeback" series, taking place several months after Going Steady Part 6, after Director Kitamura's film is finished, and Kikuchi, Onozuka, and Katou have all signed on to make a movie with Mochimune. I didn't intend to write the series out of order, but the "Business" prompt sparked a plot bunny that was just too good to pass up. See the afterword for spoilery details about the movie if you're interested.

Follow the link to my journal...
27th-Feb-2009 05:33 pm - Fic: Masks, Removed (Iwaki/Katou, Mochimune/Miyasaka; NC-17)
Title: Masks, Removed
Pairings: Iwaki/Katou, Director Mochimune/Miyasaka
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 5,500
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, bdsm.
Notes: Sequel to Katou's Gift.This is a (late) gift for [info]elingu, who requested a sequel to that particular fic. I hope your mood is better now, [info]elingu ♥. This is betaed by the incorrigible [info]blpaintchart.
Summary: Director Mochimune has developed a habit: he likes watching his main actor in intimate situations, something that seems to be accepted by said actor's lover. But things don't always turn out the way Mochimune wants them...

Masks, Removed )
24th-Dec-2008 12:26 am - DRABBLE: Good Taste
Title: Good Taste
Prompt:Christmas Romance
Pairing: Mochimune/Miyasaka
Rating: G
Words: 100

Mochimune has always claimed that he can't stand cake. Especially not Christmas cake, which he has always regarded as insipid and insubstantial and bland as a C-list would-be ingenue. He hates mochi, too, since it reminds him of the nickname he was stuck with as a short, round kid. He can't really say who he hates more these days -- his former tormentors for being such jerks, or his old self for being such a pushover.

On Christmas Eve, Miyasaka hands to Mochimune a pastry box. When Mochimune lifts out the bloody steak, he smiles the smile that's only for Miyasaka.
22nd-Aug-2008 11:43 am - FICLET: Histories (Dumbledore/Mochimune)
Title: Histories
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Words: ~ 1750
Fandoms: Haru wo Daiteita and Harry Potter
Pairings: Dumbledore/Mochimune, with allusions to Filch/Pince, Dumbledore/Lupin, and others
Rating: PG-13? I want to rinse my brain with shochu regardless.
Beta: the super-fast and ever-precise [info]aunty_marion *mwah!*
Notes: Stand-alone ficlet -- NOT a part of the "Encore" universe I seem to building in spite of myself. This isn't really [info]snapelike's fault but I'm blaming her anyway, because it was a conversation related to "Hazard Cast" that spawned this bunny.
After seeing Katou Youji perform... )
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