Youka Nitta
DRABBLE: Good Taste 
24th-Dec-2008 12:26 am
Title: Good Taste
Prompt:Christmas Romance
Pairing: Mochimune/Miyasaka
Rating: G
Words: 100

Mochimune has always claimed that he can't stand cake. Especially not Christmas cake, which he has always regarded as insipid and insubstantial and bland as a C-list would-be ingenue. He hates mochi, too, since it reminds him of the nickname he was stuck with as a short, round kid. He can't really say who he hates more these days -- his former tormentors for being such jerks, or his old self for being such a pushover.

On Christmas Eve, Miyasaka hands to Mochimune a pastry box. When Mochimune lifts out the bloody steak, he smiles the smile that's only for Miyasaka.
24th-Dec-2008 02:41 am
Ooh, this is such an interesting pairing--I want to see more of them! I love the unconventional Christmas gift (Mochimune totally seems like the type who wouldn't like Christmas cake).

And being called "Mochi" as a kid might go a long way towards explaining why he grew up to be so twisted! ~_^
2nd-Jan-2009 07:18 pm
It's way back in the queue, because of the sheer amount of research that will need to happen first, but there's a Mochimune/Miyasaka novella on the list (an expansion of Hazard Cast), if only because [info]snapelike will never let me hear the end of it if I don't follow through. ;-)

And being called "Mochi" as a kid might go a long way towards explaining why he grew up to be so twisted! ~_^

Heh. GMTA. ;-)
26th-Dec-2008 12:40 pm
Oooh! That is perfect! He is such a predator; Mochimune. And perfect that Miyasaka has seen it.

We are so turning into Mochi fangirls. I want to have time to read and write Mochi-fic. Now.
2nd-Jan-2009 07:20 pm
Glad you enjoyed it!

I want to have time to read and write Mochi-fic. Now

Me too. *sends more exam-conquering mojo your way*
5th-Jan-2009 05:07 pm
You. Are. Evil. You are putting new pairings together in Nitta-land, and you know I will imprint it as personal canon....


love, lore
8th-Jan-2009 09:28 am
Right. And whose Snape/Lupin did I stumble upon before ever reading a word of J.K. Rowling, hm?

*hug of evil cosy slippers back atcha*
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