Youka Nitta
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1st-Jan-2011 03:40 pm - Yuletide recs

I made some recs/announcements on my personal journal, but realized that those of you not on my F-list might not have seen these. I participated in the Yuletide fic fest this year, and there were three fics written about Youka Nitta fandoms: Boku no Koe, Fuyu no Semi, and a Haru/When a Man Loves a Man crossover.

Sleepless Hearts
Author: Snapelike
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Boku no Koe
Pairing: Tanahashi/Kokubu
Word count: 3,310
Summary: Running an agency for artists is not always easy. Tanahashi realises he is in trouble when he ends up with an annoying client, a spurned, sleepy-but-sleepless seiyuu and two pieces of explicit BL manga.

This was Snapelike's gift to me! It's about two of my favorite supporting characters in Boku--I do have a weakness for guys in glasses! ~_^ I felt really bad for Kokubu after Jouchi unwittingly bumped him from the cast, and I wanted to know how he really felt about it and what happened to him after that. Snapelike provides the perfect answer.

New-Fallen Snow
Author: Mei (briar_pipe)
Written for: skund
Rating: General Audiences
Fandom: Fuyu no Semi
Pairing: Akizuki/Kusaka
Word count: 4,054
Summary: Sometimes, we make our own fate.

This one wasn't a gift to me, but I enjoyed it nevertheless! It's a lovely fic about Akizuki and Kusaka being reincarnated into the modern era and having a chance at a happier ending.

And finally, here is the fic that I wrote for Snapelike:

Double Date
Rating: Explicit
Fandoms: Haru wo Daiteita, When a Man Loves a Man
Pairings: Kikuchi/Onozuka, Mochimune/Miyasaka
Characters: Kikuchi, Onozuka, Yoshizumi, Mochimune, Miyasaka, Kenzaki
Word count: 12,598
Summary: Kikuchi and Onozuka decide to set Mochimune and Miyasaka up on a date--except that Mochimune and Miyasaka aren't aware that it's a date.

This was supposed to be mainly about Mochimune and Miyasaka, but Onozuka kind of ended up hogging the spotlight! ~_^ Still, it worked out pretty well, and I enjoyed writing Onozuka being his typical scheming self. I also wrote some meta on my IJ about the fic-writing process and how other fanfics influenced it, if you're interested.
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