Mar. 24th, 2008



Okay, kids, it's finally time for this year's big reveal (assuming IJ will actually allow me to post it)! Everything should be listed there and listed properly -- if there's a problem with one of the links or somehow, we misspelled your name, messed up a title or inadvertently left you off, please let us know. We promise that it's nothing personal -- just Chaos making itself known because we all know Chaos Rules, But Only When It Wants To (All Hail Discordia...). Feel free to point people this way from your journals or post your pieces in your own journals, in likely comms/asylums, on other related archives, or anywhere else you can think of. In other words, let your fics fly free! (And your art too -- no, we're not discriminating against artists! Hardly. Just not quite as nice alliteration there...)

Thanks to everyone who participated -- the variety of pairings and tone in stories and art were just great -- and typically unpredictable. This year Viktor Krum got as much action as Sirius Black, Founders and Next-Generation characters made a stand, Dean/Luna had a strong showing, and Neville became even more of a hottie than ever (as if we're surprised about's about time other people noticed). The only real surprise was that poor Fred Weasley was the only Weasley sibling who didn't get any action at all. We'd blame it on those stupid rocks but clearly Death didn't stop Severus Snape from being the #1 male participant for the third year in a row.

A million thanks and undying gratitude to our fabulous pinch hitters: [info]draco_crescendo, [info]florahart, [info]inell and [info]tripperfunster for coming to our rescue with unbelievable speed when people bailed on us. Happily, there were only four of those (and one person who decided not to play by the rules.) Boo! Hiss!

Co-mod [info]katesque deserves a special round of applause for making all those individual icons for everyone. Feel free to take yours if you liked it as an extra gift from us to you. Just credit the artiste for her hard work!

If you haven't gone through everything, please do -- and comment, comment, comment! Everyone who participated did a great job and deserves feedback for all their hard work. If you haven't thanked your giftor yet, please do! Artists and writers also might want to answer their comments at this time. The comment tracking is finally working on IJ so you should be able to use that from here on in. We'd also love to hear feedback from our participants so feel free to let us know what you liked, didn't like, would suggest we change etc.

Sign ups for Wizard_Love 2009 will start sometime in the Fall of 2008 assuming there's enough interest! See you then!

And now, without further ado, here's the 2008 Wizard_Love Master List!

Masterlist 2008 )