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Jun. 12th, 2015


We need your assistance!

There's some general community maintenance that we need help catching up on. Nothing huge. It's just going to take a bit. If we all pitch in, I think we can make that happen much faster.

1. Recent threads are not getting tagged. If you guys can make sure that you do that, it would be a huge help.

2. Old threads. There's some tagging mishaps in the older threads, going all the way back. Some didn't get the tags of the characters at all. This is something we've been attempting to right, but it's a big job. How you can help on this one is just going through, finding ones that don't have the right tags, and tagging them. Including the ZZ:Status Complete tag. If a tag needs to be made for a thread, send us a link to it and what tag needs to be there. You can reply with it to this post.

Summaries. You may have noticed we stopped doing this. As fun as they are, they're a lot of work. But if other people want to do them, that'd be fine. Going forward, we'll take submissions for summaries if people want to do that. Going in reverse, we would like to get up to date with them. Up to the start of the year, not anything past until we learn if people care. But it'd be nice to have all the older stuff caught up with.

The archive. We've been working on this archive since we made the switch. It's a HUGE job. It needs to be done in a particular way. If anybody feels like volunteering for this, we'd seriously owe you. Seriously. I'll set up the ooc journal so it has access, if anybody wants to take part, please let us know. This needs the archive posted, and the entries tagged. I have a huge file for this that I'll have to transfer to you.

I don't think more than one person can work on this, unless it's people who are going to be in very close communication to make sure that things aren't posted twice, and posts aren't missed.

For helping with the tags, we'll think up a small in-game group reward.

For helping with summaries, we'll think up a small character-specific reward

For helping with the archive, we'll work with those doing it to come up with a huge character-specific reward.

Thanks guys!

Jun. 11th, 2015


New face!

Hey you guys!!!

Please welcome Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl.

Your Raeness says you're welcome.

Who wants dibs?



CITY SCIENCE BRO/SIS CLUB TOTALLY NEEDS TO BE A THING. Because who needs superheros when you have the superest thing of all, SCIENCE?!

Alex is Lizardy Things And Weird Creatures In General Science Bro.


Jun. 1st, 2015


Bye again

My aunt died yesterday - just found out - hopping on a plane to Cali with my mom.

May. 30th, 2015



And she's bringing Leto back with her. Exchanging Laura Kinney for Leto Atreides II, actually.

I'm still a little sniffly and tired and stuff, but I'm totally back and ready for action. LET'S RP GUYS.

Also, BB, THANK YOU FOR MY GIFS. I felt so loved. <3 <3

May. 27th, 2015


*tina belcher groan*

OKAY. So I've basically been going through the month from hell and I'll tell you all about it if you really want to know BUT the important part is that I'm sitting here with wires glued to my head until Friday so I have no choice but to tag. So if I owe you a tag and I don't get to you in the next few hours let me know.

May. 26th, 2015



I am back from my travels, but I picked up a cold while I was out. When I'm not working, I'll be in bed, and (probably) not doing tags. Hiatus continues.

May. 23rd, 2015



BB again.

This is Clara Oswald. You might remember I once played Oswin Oswald, the friendly dalek. Clara and Oswald are kinda related. It's complicated and timey-wimey and not all that important if you haven't seen Doctor Who.


Also she's probably going to pose as The Doctor because if you were a regular human in a strange kidnapper city and were afraid something might eat you, you'd probably pretend to be the universe's biggest time traveling hero, too. It's basically like armor.


May. 19th, 2015



This Fae is going traveling for a few days.

I'm sorry - I know I'm leaving some threads alone. And I KNOW I've been at work a ridiculous amount lately, too. I'm really sorry; because my time's so short at home, mod work is edging out any hope for doing all my replies, and ... I'm really sorry, guys.

BUT. I'm back Saturday evening. I expect to be DEAD, so I may return back to RP sometime early/mid next week. I'm traveling AGAIN during the next weekend. I might not be back until June, depending on my exhaustion levels and how much work / RL things I'll need to catch up on.

SO. That's about the shittiest and most vague update about my hiatus, but it's as good as I can give you. I've worked close to 12 horrid hours today at work, and I'm just SO tired that I've given up on reasonable, nice, coherent thought. It's better if I just pile into bed and give up for the day. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

And also, I love you. Just because I'm leaving, that doesn't mean I don't love you! I LOVE YOU!

May. 15th, 2015


Uh. What did we just agree to?

Fae: Captain America: Civil War is scheduled to be released on May 6, 2016.
*kicks things*

Dy: Dude. They're filming in Atlanta. RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Dy: Chris Evans loves babies. I need to bring Ellie with me. I totally have an in.

Fae: What does Sebastian Stan love? I'll find it and bring it and... yesssssss.

Dy: Hopefully tall hot hispanic women

Fae: He's only 3 years younger than me. I wonder if he can still speak Romanian.

Dy: I'm sure he can.

If I ever get him on a panel, I'm asking him to speak Romanian.
Or Russian. That works too.
But Chris Evans is much more attractive.
What with the bitable shoulders.
And pettable arms.

Dy: okay, so I'll keep Sebastian and you keep Chris

Fae: UM. NO.

Dy: we can trade off every other weekend

Fae: Oh. Trade. That works. Okay, yes!

May. 13th, 2015


Superhero teamup?

Okay, we now have...a bajillion superheroes/vigilantes and we need a team up somewhere. Seriously. Also, why do we only have three villains, what are our teams doing, playing hopscotch while waiting for Jonathan to kill someone?

So yes, who here would like to group thread a meet up...or random encounter between our heroes? Especially as Effie and Hook need their debut so that Effie stops whining in my head. Also, Tim is bored and it's never good when a Bat is bored.


Hello ladies.

BB here.

There's a new god/prince charming/superhero in town. This is an MCU!Thor taken after the events of the latest Avengers movie.

Plot? Yes?

May. 11th, 2015


For Ariel <3

I'm a long way from your hill on Calvary

May. 4th, 2015



Do I owe you a tag?

Do you want to play with one of my dudes?


ps I got a totally sweet tattoo this weekend. It has nothing to do with RP but I'm quite proud.


New character No. 2

BB here!

This is Kuvira from the cartoon Legend of Korra. She's coming to The City as a beat cop. Depending on City laws she will actively go after vigilantes as hard as she does bad guys. Let's have fun with that!

(Backstory: She was a bad guy, former good guy and captain of the guard who went off the deep end and became the dictator of an empire, trying to atone for her cannon misdeeds, also she has super powers.)

Her beat cop uniform is going to be a hybrid between a standard issue police uniform with the metal details of her old Earth Empire uniform. For a look at her fighting style and powers and action, these are some of my favorite fight scenes.

Plot with me?

May. 2nd, 2015


Back from hiatus!

Hey guys, it's BB!

So I'm back, finally. I just want to say it's been a rough several months and I really appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for hanging in there with me. Any time you guys ever sent me an IM or friendly email, I really, really appreciated it. You guys are great.

I've brought in someone new who I think will be a good fit for the game. Her name is Liv Moore, she works at the hospital morgue, doing work for the Medical Examiners office. She's also a zombie and eats brains. So. There's that.

Any doctor or cop characters are people she'd see or possibly work with. She was a top medical student and if she come across any vigilantes bleeding out, she'd patch them up and keep it a secret. (Since we don't have a Night Nurse, I totally volunteer Liv to fill that role for anyone who might need her services.) She's also one of the undead! And can go into full on zombie mode which gives her super strength and stuff (but also a little hangry)! So many plots and ways to connect!

Let's plot!

PS. Liv also likes hot sauce and super spicey things in case you're not sure what to give her as a welcoming gift. Her tastebuds are kinda undeadish, too, so normal food doesn't do a whole lot for her.

May. 1st, 2015


Some ooc info

In regards to the new date in-game: We didn't actually slip anything to the future. All the characters will wake up as they normally would. To them, it's just the next day. Only calendars and clocks and whatever will show differently. Now they all say the new date.

This will also not have any kind of effect on how in-game time runs. It's still fluid.

We'd also like to remind everyone about [info]bizarroworld, your place for all the cracktastic crack you can think up. The characters you play in there don't have to be in this game at all. You can do anything over there. Anything. Any. Thing. None of it has any bearing on this game.

Also: [info]character_love for all your joygasm needs.

The end!

Apr. 29th, 2015



Hey all.

So I'm moving out of my apartment by tomorrow (which I found out today). Between looking for a new place (which I don't have yet XD) and having packed away my computer machine, I'll be unable to reply super quickly for the next week or so. I will endeavor to make responses as often as I can, but mostly it's gonna be typing while on my delivery job, so not 100% sure how fast I'll do turn arounds.

My apologies to all I'm threading with currently!

Apr. 11th, 2015



Hey, it's Lauren! So I've been having bad vertigo attacks since I got back from vacation and haven't been feeling much like writing, but I'm trying to push through it. Additionally, I'm doing a bit of roster shuffling; namely, Maggie's going back home and I'm bringing in Siggy from History Channel's show "Vikings". She's taken from her final episode, so... spoilers.

If I owe you a tag, please let me know! And if you want anything to do with my other dudes, please also let me know!

Apr. 7th, 2015


Doubles Merging

The time has come!

If you have a double, or more than one double, you need to start thinking about how you're going to resolve them, if you haven't already done that. You can get this done whenever you want during this month, but it HAS to be done by April 30th. Any doubles not resolved by then will just disappear.

You can use whichever journal you wish to use, and resolve your characters in any way that you want.

For those that brought in characters from other games, you NEED to update your applications with your in-game history. Everybody NEEDS to have their character application somewhere in their journal (either on the info page, or in the journal proper).


The City is going to correct itself. This will obviously be something that every single character in game will experience. Up until now, calendars, clocks, internet, television, it has all been running along as if it is around November/December 2013.

As of May 1st, the City will be running on current rl times/dates. Don't worry, there will be an in-game narrative to explain how that works. That narrative will contain the reasoning behind the extraction of the doubles, as well.

SO. Get the things done that you want to get done, and get the doubles out. Please reply to this post to let us know which journal you're going to continue on with so we can right the character list.

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