Posts Tagged: '%21game-wide+plot'

Mar. 11th, 2017



Reaper Plot Reminder

It's March 22nd! Details and plotting here!

Aug. 22nd, 2016




Early next week a Reaper is going to enter the system. The Agency will go on full alert. It's a small one, so the Normandy is able to take it out, with help from anyone who's capable of going into space.

As a reminder here's the full reaper plot! We've had new players and characters since then so sign ups and plot ideas are still welcome. That goes for existing people too!

I'll have shepard make a post, we don't have to log anything but if agency players want to log the after math or getting really really drunk go ahead. XD

This is a little late because it plain slipped my mind!

Apr. 21st, 2016




ITS ALMOST TIME! The Body Swap starts in a little over an hour!!

Random results can be found at that second link!

Apr. 19th, 2016




Reminder! Body Swap Starts Friday morning at 12:01am PDT! Random results can be found at that second link!

Jul. 3rd, 2015




Happy Friday, folks! Your game-wide plot for July is here! Or, well. Here for advanced planning anyway.

The Giga Slave (July 12th-19th) )

Mar. 18th, 2014




New Game-wide Plot for April! You can find the information here

Please note that the opt in form has changed from previous Opt in forms.

Nov. 19th, 2013




Since the servers are going down tomorrow, we're going to assume that the Zillo Beast cut an undersea line that took out the Valarnet! Feel free to discuss that when everything comes back up!

Note, power is fine, the internet is fine, it's just the actual VALARnet that goes down.