Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: Patience and Roger
What: carving pumpkins and other birthday celebrations :D
When: Sunday!
Where: Montgomery Manor, Patience's little house
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

...I used to be such a good good swimmer, but for now my head is in the clouds... )

Oct. 5th, 2010


Who: Patience and Roger
What: a second sitting for Roger's painting
When: Tuesday
Where: Roger's flat
Warnings: TBA
Status: incomplete

...you can't build a house of leaves and live like it's an evergreen... )

Sep. 20th, 2010


Who: Patience and Roger
What: sitting for a painting.
When: Sunday [backdated]
Where: Roger's flat.
Warnings: TBA
Status: In progress

take these chances, place them in a box until a quieter time )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Who: Roger & Duke
What: Viewing the gallery
When: Monday night
Where: idk some art gallery for wizards
Warnings: TBA
Status: In progress

I make them good girls go bad )

Sep. 8th, 2010


Who: Patience and Roger
What: a meeting, talking about art.
When: Tuesday afternoon [backdated]
Where: an art gallery where Roger's paintings are.
Warnings: TBA
Status: In progress

are you one to dance to the rhythm of rain until the pain shakes loose )


Who: Roger Davies & Astoria Greengrass
What: Drinks & flirting?
Where: The Leaky Cauldron, to start.
When: Wednesday evening.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: In Progress

The bar employed several attractive birds, much easier on the eyes than old Tom was... )
