Jan. 9th, 2011


RP: The nice thing to moving is...

Who: Mirela Albescu and Open
What: Exploring Diagon Alley
When: Sunday after church
Where: Diagon Alley WWW
Warnings: Weasley michief maybe?
Status: Incomplete

New people and new places )

Dec. 18th, 2010


Rp: holiday babies

Who: Mirela Albescu and OPEN
What: Dragon Hatching
When: December 18th, around 5am
Where: Dragon Sanctuary
Warnings: None?
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Nov. 29th, 2010


Rp: New Work, new blood

Who: Mirela Albescu and OPEN
What: Mirela starts at the English Sanctuary
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: English Dragon Sanctuary
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

It gives new life )
