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The Dustlands

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[03 Jul 2014|03:29pm]

WHO: Kitty Pryde and Open
WHAT: Tinkering with this and that~
WHERE: Sector A Square; Outside the Control Tower
WHEN: Thursday Afternoon
RATING: PG? Nothing too high, though will update if necessary!

I think you broke it. )

[06 Feb 2014|12:44am]

WHO: Pete Wisdom & Claudia Donovan
WHAT: Pete arrives, is all obnoxious on the network, and meets Claudia!
WHERE: The Dusty Potato
WHEN: Thursday night
RATING: PG-13, for Pete's dirty mouth.

Claudia lead the way and Pete followed, but not without opening his mouth, of course )

[26 Jan 2014|09:34pm]

WHO: Kate Bishop (and mentions of Eli Bradley)
WHAT: Looking out for a...friend.
WHERE: Eli's room in the hospital.
WHEN: Sunday Evening
RATING: PG (Nothing graphic, but they are sitting in his hospital room.)

I win again... )

[28 Oct 2013|10:19am]

WHO: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers
WHAT: Bucky has decided he needs to check in on Steve
WHERE: Steve's room
WHEN: Late Sunday night/Monday morning

He never thought he'd actually miss the war )

[16 Sep 2013|09:29am]

Who: Charon and Kirk/Man-Bat
What: Trying to fit in
Where: Cafeteria
When: Monday morning
Rating: Possible language

A penny for the ferryman... )

[22 Aug 2013|10:42pm]

Who: Eli Bradley & Gwen Stacy
Where: First floor of the hospital
What: Eli wants to know if he can donate blood; Gwen’s going to find out… well, sort of.
When: Early Friday morning
Rating: PG, probably.
Warnings: Hospital stuff, needles, blood talk, etc!

He didn’t consider himself a Young Avenger anymore – or a superhero – but helping others was in his nature. )

[10 Aug 2013|09:09pm]

Who: The Winter Sol Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff
Where: The armory
When: Let's backdate this to her arrival
What: She has information he's interested in
Rating/warning: TBD

If he closed his eyes he could still see it )

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