Saturday, September 18th, 2010

an extra set of hands

Who: Bethen Avilla, Jaden Tahal, Rhocanth Garal, Alderic Thearre
Where: Lothering
When: Dawn, 22 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Summary: On the morning of their intended departure from town, the Grey Wardens convene to discuss the prospect of new party members.
Rating: K? They're just so...polite.

Bethen was completely oblivious to just how...eventful the prior evening had actually been. )
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Friday, August 27th, 2010

Backscene: A Bit of Respite

Who: Rhocanth Garal and Alderic Thearre
Where: An early morning chat.
When: 20 Molioris
Summary: The two wardens finally sit down for a bit of respite on the trip to Lothering.
Rating: G/PG

Perhaps if he opened his book and shoved his face into it as if he were very, very busy they would simply pass by and not notice... )
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Saturday, July 17th, 2010

champagne is just ginger ale that knows somebody

Who: Kyrioscath Ansradar, and the rest of G2 entering the pub.
Where: A pub in Lothering
When: Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Summary: How do you keep an idiot busy? (Also wut, recruitment?)
Status: In Progress

Spontaneous combustion is totally a real thing, right? )
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Saturday, May 1st, 2010

Group Two Plot

Plot: Brothers Reunited
Who: Lukaer Ledaal, Mathieu Ledaal, Puppy Garrett Edgewalker, Group Two
Where: Along the North Road as the brothers head east toward Denerim
When: 18 Molioris
Summary: Two brothers and a stray dog wolf search for the Wardens and find more than they expected.
Rating: T
Status: In progress
Another day, another failure. )
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Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Backscene: To Fight

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Cormac Murrough
Where: A courtyard in the keep.
When: Just before leaving on the group quests, Molioris 9:45
Summary: Cormac sees Rhocanth training for impending battle, and it strikes up a discussion about fighting style.
Rating: PG, should be fine for all except for talk of fighting.
He would be ready for this enemy they were about to face. )
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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Group 2: Bandits!

Who: Cadi Seris, Wardens and companions in group 2
Where: the Bannorn
When: 9.45 Dragon; 18 Molioris
Summary: Cadi's desperately outnumbered. Fortunately, she's not the only one on the road that day.
Rating: T? for violence
The only thing left was to see how many of them she could take with her. )
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Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Who: Coan Bryland & Rhocanth Garal
NPCs: Noa the Angler
When: Uuuh, day before the Joining?
Where: The docks that obvs exist at Amaranthine.
Rating: K. Unless you think fishing is tricking and killing, then there's violence.

Needless to say, Coan was excited for this little fishing trip. )
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Friday, February 19th, 2010

Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.

Who: The Grey Warden recruits
NPCs: Alistair Theirin, Allan Maivia, Mona Seward, Aedan Maivia, Rudyerd Franklin
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Evening, 13 Molioris, 9:45.
Summary: The Joining ceremony commences.
Rating: T.
Join us brothers and sisters. )
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Thursday, February 18th, 2010

Backscene: It Matters to Us

Who: Imenry Barras, Rhocanth Garal
Where: At night, a late watch shift, Camping a day's travel from Lothering
When: 9:45, The last week of Eluviesta
Summary: When on watch together, a dwarf and a human bond over their respective relationships with Falina. (Because she's too cute, who doesn't love her?)
Rating: Fine for all
Status: In Progress

It was dark )
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Scene: Let the Leaves Fall Where They May

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Bethen Avilla
Where: A courtyard at the Keep
When: 9:45 Moloris, current
Summary: Rhocanth is trying to get Falina a small token for her birthday, and failing. He could really use some help, perhaps from Bethen.
Rating: G
This was all incredibly undignified. )
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Monday, February 15th, 2010

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Quintus Wulfric
Where: The kitchens of the keep in Amaranthine.
When: 9:45 Moloris, just after Alistair's group arrives.
Summary: A curious little dwarf follows his nose and discovers cake. It's not a lie.
Rating: G
Status: In Progress

Here were the depths of the kitchens. )
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Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Backscene: A Stroll Around Redcliffe

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Signy Dagna
Where: Redcliffe
When: 9:45, the day Alistair's group stays over in Redcliffe.
Summary: Curious about the sights, Rhocanth asks Signy if she would like to go and see them.
Rating: G-PG-Probably fine.

Rhocanth approved of the good sense they had to put the inn beside the main gates. )
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Friday, February 5th, 2010

Backscene: A Night For Grief

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Lythe Gethon
Where: At a camp point.
When: 9:45, sometime just after the Frostback groups starts out.
Summary: Rhocanth's loss finally catches up to him, and Lythe responds.
Rating: E for Emo. Otherwise, should be clean except for maybe language.

He had felt as though the entire world was staring at him, and he had stared right back. )
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Saturday, January 30th, 2010

backscene: pattering of feet


Who: Falina Bjyr, Rhocanth Garal

Where: Chantry, Lothering

When: The final week of Eluviesta, a few days before the arrival at the Brec. Forest, 9:45 Dragon

Summary: [Complete] Rolling storms have taken the dwarf party by surprise, and they find refuge in the Chantry at Lothering. Falina has been struggling with her status as a potential new Grey Warden, and her role within the party dynamic. Rhocanth struggles moving past his own sense of loss.

Rating: T. Possible language.


She tucked her knees against her chest, and listened to the approaching footsteps.  )


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Friday, January 29th, 2010

Who: Ser Talfryn Armstead (NPC), Warden-Commander Alistair (NPC), his recruits from Gwaren and Orzammar, their companions, Faer Arandil and Jaden Tahal, and some Templars (NPCs).
Where: Outskirts of the Brecilian Forest
When: Summerday, 9:45 Dragon
Summary: After leaving Orzammar with a few new recruits, the Warden-Commander leads the group south, where they arrive just in time to rescue two Dalish elves from some vicious Templars.
Rating: T. Possible violence, language.

It was hard to imagine that his feet had been crunching through snow not but a week ago... )
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Friday, January 8th, 2010

In the Camp We Gather

Who: Imenry Barras, Signy Dagna, Cormac Murrough, Falina Bjyr, Rhocanth Garal, Lythe of House Gethon
Where: The camp at Gherlen's Pass in the Frostbacks, In front of Signy's tent
When: 9:45 Dragon, Present Day
Summary: There are many Dwarves here, Old and New faces, (Perhaps a Grey Warden?), The beginning of a mismatched group of adventurers.
Rating: Fine for all, but ongoing, possible violence and cursing knowing the company

It was growing dark on the mountainside... )
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Monday, December 21st, 2009

Scene: The Deep Roads

Who: Rhocanth, Lythe, Signy
Where: The Deep Roads, then the Surface
When: Present, just before Alistair arrives in Orzammar
Summary: Rhocanth is wandering in the Deep Roads, lost, when he meets a troop of Legionnaires. They find their way to the surface and collect more companions before meeting the Grey Wardens.
Rating: T? Probably violence against darkspawn.
Let me feel the Stone's embrace. )
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