Most beliefs have them - a place for the good and a place for the bad. Your actions in life determine where you go and what happens after. Simple enough. Or it was until the Prophecy. Something was coming. Something was building and it would affect everyone. Both sides. And neither was willing to wait.
"Thine soul is bound, the need is great, the mists have called, accept your fate"


Posts Tagged: 'daisy+johnson+/+quake+%28mcu%29'

Mar. 13th, 2020



netpost :: steve rogers

There's a strange sense of familiarity in this place despite just getting here.

Mar. 6th, 2020



6 March | Wanda Maximoff

At this point I feel like red and black has become my signature color, but now with everything I wear turning blue, I should probably add more color variety in my wardrobe.

Filtered to Bucky
Hey. I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing with Steve being gone.

Filtered to Billy
I think we should go to Margarita Friday. Or is drinking with alternate universe children considered bad parenting?

Feb. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

I think I'm seeing things.

I have to be seeing things. Tell me it's not just me.


Malick's dead Isn't he?

I remember what he...what Hive asked you to do. And I know people come back from the dead here, obviously. But I...

I need you to confirm it happened. Please? ...I'm sorry Daisy

Feb. 9th, 2020



09 February | Rose Ward

I can't say I'm surprised there is another conflict brewing.

I would have enjoyed a little bit more time to enjoy the end of one before being drawn into another, but that is rarely how things work.

I'm Rose Freeman Wa- Fre- Ward.

If this place is anything like Atlantis I suspect living here will be as interesting as it was there.

Feb. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm sure you;ve all noticed that comings and goings here seem to be erratic. Our liaisons have said they don't know how people are brought here or where they go when they leave. Our general assumption seems to be that they go home, but we don't even know that much for sure and let's be honest - it sucks.

I've gotten the clearance to investigate things, maybe try to come up with something to make things a little more stable and maybe even give us some agency in whether we stay or go. I don't think of this as purely a tech problem, so I'm asking for people in engineering and science as well as people who have experience with magic to help. I won't be able to put everyone on this, cause too many cooks and all, but I do want at least one representative from each of these areas, maybe two, so let me know if you're interested.



[No Subject]

Once again I am sorry to inform you all that the following people have gone:
  • Ben Hanscom
  • Emma Swan
  • Erik Lehnsherr
  • Faith Lehane
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Jefferson
  • Rumplestiltskin / Mr Gold
  • Teddy Altman
  • Tessa Shepard

Feb. 4th, 2020



04 February | Alicia Spinnet

I'm going to make a massive batch of Pappa al Pomodoro tonight. Only because someone told me it's soul day.

Anyone's welcome to come and have some.

Jan. 24th, 2020



Network Post: Leo Fitz

I guess this is the only thing I haven't done.

I'm Fitz. I'm engineering. If you're from our world or you've met Jemma, I'm her husband. I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D. or was or what's left of it. We're not all Hydra. I'd say it's good to be somewhere the world isn't about to end, but it's still early, isn't it?

Jan. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Morgan's missing.

[Scott Lang]
So, if I don't show up for work, Thumbelina, it's because I'm looking for her.



Jan 21 | Evie Frye

Hard as it may seem for me to believe, this has been the most befuddling forty-eight hours of my life. But I believe I have things (mostly) under control now, and so it is time for introductions.

My name is Evie Frye, and I am henceforth to be working on Mission Planning.

Apologies to my flatmate for my silence and rudeness. Please tell me how to make it up to you.

Jan. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

So, it wasn't just me that got a puppy. That's...that's good.

His name is Dog. Don't judge me.

Jan. 6th, 2020



Network Post: Poe Dameron

I'm torn somewhere between thinking of this as one terrible hangover from celebrating the defeat of the Empire and seriously considering the possibility of having lost my mind.

That said, name's Poe, Poe Dameron.

Apparently I'm leading up Indigo Squad and rooming with somebody called... Ezra?

Jan. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

I've been here a few days, and I think I've finally gotten my head around this technology. I probably should find this all harder to believe than I do.

My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze. And I've been asked to train with those of you who will be going on missions. Which is similar to how I spent the last couple of years in Roma.

Oh, and apparently I won the Fruitcake Toss. Not that I'm sure why I entered it, other than I can't resist a challenge. Good game Rose and Cisco.

Jan. 1st, 2020



1 January | Wanda Maximoff

It was a nice party. I'm curious to know how I woke up in a dress that's not mine, though the color is pretty.

It is strange since I lock my bedroom door.



[No Subject]

I didn't realize that I hadn't introduced myself. I'm Luke Skywalker and I've actually been here since last week. I've been getting settled, learning my way around and I've gotten to meet some of you already. I'll be training people with special powers and once I have a list of names, I'll be getting in touch with you and letting you know what our schedule is going to be.

I'm living in Apartment 410 with Angelina Johnson if anyone is looking for me or else you can find me wandering around town. I'm looking forward to meeting more of you.



Network Post: Rey

I shouldn't be here, I was already on an mission.

But they tell me there's a important reason we've been brought here, talking about a prophecy, and war. Where I'm from there's already a war that needs to be stopped, is there really no way back?

Dec. 22nd, 2019



FILTERED :: Marvel Peeps

I haven’t really met some of you officially yet, but I was wondering what everyone planned to do for Christmas. Since we’re all either from the same world or something close to it, I thought it might be nice if we did something together. If you guys wanted, I mean.

Dec. 16th, 2019



[No Subject]

I probably should have done this before now but I'm Natasha Romanoff. I know some of you and in case you're wondering, yes it's really me, I am no longer dead. Anyway I'm in charge of Golf Squadron which right now is me and one other person. I'm sure that will change soon enough though.


So I'm your squad leader. Thought it might be a good idea for us to meet up, get to know each other figure out how we can work together, all that stuff. I'm not big on formality so I'll just cut to the chase. How do you feel about vodka and where is a good place to get some around here?

Dec. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Grant Ward and I'm from the same place as Daisy and Jemma and a few others. They've asked me to be a Combat and Espionage trainer along with Bucky Barnes so anyone on the combat teams without experience in Espionage or anyone who wants training or even just to spar, let me know.


We're going to be working together. We should probably talk.



[No Subject]

So, I figured I was done. That I'd done everything I could to make sure my daughter could grow up in a better world. And, she's assured me that that's the case.

Still, that doesn't stop the fact that I'm still here. Being asked to fight an even bigger war. So, if it's all the same to you. I'm going to stay off the front-lines for the time being. But, I'm going to do what I can to protect those of you who will be. So, come to me for your armor requests, and I'll figure something out that works with your abilities.

Oh, and apparently I should actually introduce myself. Which is incredibly weird, I'm used to people knowing who I am.

I'm Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man.