19 May 2008 @ 09:16 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Who_La_Hoop "The Sleeping Prince"  
Title: The Sleeping Prince
Author: [info]who_la_hoop *See the Author's Master List of Fics HERE: Archive
Team: Team Dragon, roar! :D
Genre(s): Postwar
Prompt(s): Portrait, Inheritance
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Mild R; *swearing, sexual innuendo*
Word Count: ~41,600
Summary: It's hard to ignore your past — and impossible to do so when you can't remember your future. But a meddlesome portrait, a dragon with an ancient grudge and true love's kiss teach an unlikely Prince that a regrettable past doesn't have to mean an unhappy ending.
A/N: Huge thanks to my betas — Lyv, Ina, Klynie and Centaury — for all their help, and yay for the mods for running the Games!

The Sleeping Prince by Who La Hoop )