24 April 2008 @ 08:49 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: SchemingReader "Benefits"  
Title: Benefits
Author: [info]schemingreader
Team: Dragon
Genre: Postwar, Hurt/Comfort
Prompt: Ritual
Ratings/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17
Word Count: 9,629
Summary: Harry dreams that Snape is alive and needs his help. But can Snape survive Harry's 'saving people thing'?
A/N: Thanks to [info]rexluscus , [info]timetiger, [info]scrtkpr, [info]regan_v, and [info]fitofpique for reading and commenting. I apologize for anything they advised me to do that I didn't and that you wish I had, and for any other errors.

Benefits by Schemingreader )
02 May 2007 @ 08:36 am
TEAM POSTWAR ENTRY: Schemingreader "Barmy"  

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Barmy
Author: [info]schemingreader
Team: Postwar
Genres: Hurt/Comfort and Humour
Prompt: Memorial
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Minor character death *
Word Count: 18,000 +/-
A/N/Betas: As always, I prevailed on many people to beta-read this story. [info]regan_v, [info]stasia, [info]lesyeuxverts00, [info]rexluscus and [info]sscrewdriver (who did two beta reads and a Britpick!). Any flaws in the story are mine. I got the bunny for this from the lovely [info]gaycrow--I hope you like it!

Summary: "Harry rubbed his eyes. He felt quite a lot better for sleeping. 'You didn't forget again, did you?'
'No, I am in St Mungo's Hospital on the Spell-Damage Ward with my prof--with Severus Snape.'
'Very good, Longbottom.'
'Ha bloody ha.' "

Barmy )