03 August 2009 @ 09:21 am
Team Cauldron Entry (ART): "Vagaries of Perception" By AriadneElda  
Title: Vagaries of Perception
Artist: [info]ariadneelda
Team: Cauldron
Genre: Fusion
Prompts: All the World's a Stage, Empty Spaces
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G/none
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to: A HP/Matrix fusion, with Harry as Neo and Snape as Agent Smith. I'm not sure where this idea came from. ;) I don't own the HP and Matrix universes. They belong to their respective owners. The title is a quote from the third movie (the one I like least and which I hope not to see again any time soon!) Many thanks to [info]mimine for brainstorming, [info]ishtar79 and S. as well as everyone on Team Cauldron who helped with suggestions during the various stages of drawing this. You guys rock!
Media used: Tablet and Photoshop.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): OK for the video and icons. For anything else, please ask first.

Vagaries of Perception by AriadneElda )
Tags: ,
03 August 2009 @ 08:56 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Undeserving" by Froggie  
Title: Undeserving
Artist: [info]froggie
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Genderbender/Crossdressing
Prompt(s): Tongue-Tied, Skin Deep
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG-15/NWS. Crossdressing and implied caning/spanking.
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Harry is 18 here, no worries. Also, thank you to everyone who participates and organizes these fests! I've practically grown up doing HP art at this point.
Media used: A mix of ink, watercolor and photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Ok for everything as long as you credit me and link back to my art gallery in my LJ.

*Dial up users beware of large image under cut*

Undeserving, by Froggie )