
This has to be addressed

The World of Severus Snape

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This has to be addressed

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The post from which the following quote originates, has been removed because it is offensive. But since I don't like for difficult topics to be swept under the carpet, I've been opening this thread.

I remind you that this community is for a discussion of books and fictional characters. It's not about discussing general principles. In this case, though, I feel that an exception needs to be made. Discussions always will have 'real world' elements, but they should be kept to a minimum. In this case things went too far.

totalreadr wrote: Oh, I dunno. The whole reason I couldn't get up much sympathy for Emmett Till over on terri's lj was because he was popular and "acting macho." In my reading on the case I even found his family quoted as expressing that his death was *especially* tragic because he *was* so popular! For me their cris de coeur Did Not Work As Intended in the same way that Gerda Weissman Klein's /All But My Life/ did not ( (Primo Levi's work OTOH...but I digress.)

Emmett Till was popular, macho, had a bright future, etc....up north. Down south, none of that mattered because he was still black.

This is, indeed, a horrible thing to say, and for once I have to agree with the trolls who come here and shout their protest. Why is no one of the regulars protesting this? Do I have to open up the community for anonymous users to protest stuff like that? I'm trying to protect you guys and give you a niche, but that doesn't mean that stuff like this can just stand.

Racism can, perhaps, be debated in an academical manner when it is about fictional characters. This is about a real, horrible lynch murder. This is crossing the line.

Here's the link from ravenstar84 again:

Yes, I know, like others who hang out on her journal she's one of the wank trolls. But sometimes the trolls are right.

This thread is now closed

  • I saw the original comment, and I didn't say anything because I'm British and ignorant. (I had heard of the Emmett Till case, but only vaguely, and the mental stirring of "Erm... Is this person really suggesting Till was asking for torture and death by acting macho?" was tamped down by the instinct that said "You don't know all the facts of the case; don't get involved in something you know nothing about, don't expose your ignorance on the internet, don't make waves.")

    I'm hardly proud of that. If I'd never heard of Till in my life there'd be some excuse for me, but I had heard of him so there isn't. Of course I should have spent ten minutes checking out the facts and then got involved.

    All i can say is that next time something like this happens, I'll do something about it.
  • Thank you, Sylvanawood

    "Racism can, perhaps, be debated in an academical manner when it is about fictional characters. This is about a real, horrible lynch murder. This is crossing the line."

    Absolutely, Sylvana, and I am very glad that you deleted totalreadr's offensive comments about an appalling, racially motivated murder.

    Snape fandom is better than this. Thank you.

    -- pearlette from Live Journal
  • I didn't follow the discussion in which the cited post was made, but now I am shocked to read about this cold-hearted comment about a young man's horrible death. Here, I fully agree with the trolls.
  • I hadn't seen this comment.

    This "Emmett Till was popular, macho, had a bright future, etc....up north. Down south, none of that mattered because he was still black" I would have more likely taken as a general comment about racist attitudes in the South compared to the North (whether accurate or no), but the first part... Wow. Ugh.
    • Yeah, that's what I did, too, didn't properly read the first part, considered this second sentence academic discussion and let it go until the yelling began.
  • Never saw the discussion, never commented because of that.

    I also never heard of Emmett Till. Horrible things like his death are things I'd wish undone, the hate unlearned.

    I don't even really understand the rambling of the troll, to tell the truth.

    Hate is awful and should be stood against. I'm sorry you had to stand for so many.
    • I can't take credit, it was one of the anonymous who get screened by me without further ado since I'm tired of their games. ravenstar84 was brave enough, though, to take the topic up and I couldn't ignore it any more (for which I'm glad). If the first poster hadn't been anonymous, I might have reacted earlier.
  • Wtf? I did not see this post. Manalive,are people really that ignorant. My mother was a teenager when Emmit Til was murdered, and she had nightmares for ages.

    A young boy was tortured and murdered. His mother spent the rest of her life trying to bring the bastards who committed the crime to justice.

    The bastards bragged about killing him!

    Does spending time on the net put a stopper in people's humanity?

    As a person of color I'm beyond angry, and I've had it with fandom and the racist shit that goes on.

    • I never hear of Emmet Till before, and the name didn't ring a bell for me. I had to be yelled at before I realized that this wasn't a fictional character people had been debating.

      I'm sorry it took me so long to react. But please don't doubt people's humanity. The ones on the net are just like those outside, some are decent, some are not. We all make mistakes, too. Only, I think, we get exposed to each other more than we otherwise would.
  • I've got to say I didn't respond because I was absolutely bewildered, and struggling to understand what on earth that poster meant. Emmet Till was a child! He was fourteen years old, and grown men dragged him away from his relatives and murdered him!

    I had wanted to do two things: first, to post an apology clarifying my original post, and second, to ask the person who brought up Emmet Till what he/she meant. I will now probably do the first, but not the second. But what I wanted to say to that person was that, in 1950s Chicago, Emmet Till was not privileged. There was no place in America in the 1950s that a young black boy could be considered privileged. That also shocked me.

    And yes, fictional characters are fictional. I was simply comparing Lily to Catherine Earnshaw, and never expected things to get to this point.

    Anyway, I'm sorry if I somehow encouraged this comment. Have a bit more to say, but I'll message you privately, if I may.
    • No, Mary, it wasn't your fault. While you may have offended some posters with your initial post, that was an offense caused by ignorance perhaps, and could be easily clarified if both sides were inclined to give and take a little.
  • (Anonymous)
    Sorry I didn't post sooner, but without a separate thread like this, it would have opened up the possibility of starting a discussion along those lines, which I *really* didn't want. That stuff was obviously a horrible thing to say.

    Thank you for deleting the post.

    • I wish people would just mail me and alert me to these things. This is an unmoderated site and I don't have time to look after all the discussions. But I'll always look into things when you tell me.
  • I'm willing if you're willing...

    So you [Sylvanawood] have said to me:

    Yeah, I've just been waiting for you to show up.

    If you seriously want to discuss this, then repost this on the mod thread:

    Oh, really?

    If you, Sylvanawood, want to seriously discuss this, I want to seriously discuss this with you. If you don't, then I don't, because there would be no point. So, after I post this, the ball is in your court, to do with as you please.

    I do have a proposition for you, if you want to discuss this, though - I will make you a deal:

    If you agree to discuss that article on aversive racism with me first (in other words, discuss the mere concept of aversive racism with me, so I can figure out if we are even on the same page with the concept before discussing how it may apply to Snapedom) then I promise to discuss a topic of your choice (one topic at a time, please), next.

    Or, alternatively...

    I will discuss a topic of your choice, first, if you promise to discuss that article on aversive racism with me, next.


    BTW, in case this is a factor for you, I haven't made a peep anywhere else about you or Snapedom since I made the post that is reposted below (on the off chance that you seriously wanted to discuss this with me and just in case you would shut down on me if I did that - I'm willing to make that concession if there's hope that you will discuss the matter with me with an open mind).

    Reposted, as requested:

    Why don't you and your friends write a post about your stand on this, where others can reply, for a change? It's so easy to hop in here and there, anonymous or not, and yell at other people's ideas.

    What do you mean by this? Do you want a stand made here at Snapedom? Is anyone here really open to that? You have drawn the line at the latest instance of a blatant racist statement (and I'm glad to see that), but the aversive racist (and also the aversive misogynistic) statements have been defended to the death, here. And the problem is that the people making these statements and defending them, don't see them as being bigoted statements (unless they do, in which case it is conscious bigotry going on as opposed to unconscious). And no argument or debate has convinced the people making these statements that these statements are problematic to say the least, no matter how civilly made or well thought out the argument/debate was.

    I believe that no one here intends to say bigoted things, but bigoted things get said here nonetheless. And you can't change what you don't acknowledge. And no one here seems to want to acknowledge the underlying real life problem, nor do they seem willing to to do so. I don't see the point in trying to change anyone's mind here. It seems like a lost cause, to me.

    Just in case it isn't a lost cause, I offer up this article: Aversive Racism - SUBTLE BIAS, COMBATING
  • I'm not American, and I'd never heard of Emmett Till. I assumed he was a fictional character. I went off to Wikipedia to find out who he was and what he had to do with the topic at hand, and meanwhile the fireworks started. Thank you for deleting the post. It was shocking, and totally uncalled for.
    • Yes it was.
    • likewise

      Emmett Till? Never heard of him till now (Australians don't study American history/society/politics) and assumed it was a fictional character being discussed. Thought the comment sounded offensive nevertheless, but was too preoccupied with RL deadlines to look it up, and wasn't willing to become embroiled in a discussion while uninformed.

  • Thank you for drawing the line, Sylvana. You are right - this absolutely horrifying and unacceptable.
  • (Anonymous)
    I'm glad you've brought this to the attention of your comm, but it's still apparent that you, collectively, don't understand the point here. Nobody cares that you like Snape. Nobody gives a damn. The fact that your comm is constantly featured on communities that mock stems from the unrelenting, torturous logic the members use to woobiefy Snape, to excuse his numerous flaws, and to villify other characters in his stead. And even then, none of THAT would matter--you'd be allowed your craziness in peac-e-except that there is a constant, inescapable thread of racism apology and mysoginy that runs through these posts, the inexorable conclusion that Snape's childhood bigotry, his use of a racial slur, his joining of the Death Eaters is Not That Bad, that it's comparable to the teenage bullying antics of James or the 'prejudice' engendered by inter-house rivalries. And the constant, bitter implication that Lily owed Snape love, that because she is a woman that she should lie down at the feet of the bigot who fancied her, forgive and forget a terrible epithet and a pattern of prejudice because he was a subsequently regretful.

    This has nothing to do with whether Joanne Rowling can do no wrong, nor whether her fictional character Lily Evans is a sparkling pure saint--those are derails and strawman arguments, not even accurate, let alone relevant.

    The recent explosion of wank reflects badly on your community, though it's obvious that most of you realize the original comment was disgusting. That's nobody's fault but Totalreadr's. But the fact that he could even feel comfortable saying something so over-the-line isn't a coinicedence. You guys have set a tone and candence that allows for this shit, and if you're not willing to admit it, and fix it, then you're going to keep getting called out by 'trolls'.

  • (Anonymous)
    I am responsible for checking that there isn't any unlawful action going on. But if people agree or disagree whether an act in a fictional universe is discrimination or not - this is not something I need to worry about.

    I agree with this, Sylvana.

    Also, general remark aimed at no-one in particular: I also think it’s misguided to assume people are racists because they take a certain line on a purely fictional character (however infuriating it may be that some readers mangle the obvious racism theme in the HP books).

    The offensive remark about Emmett Till was, of course, another matter entirely.

    -- Pearlette
  • To totalreadr: that excuse isn't good enough, your post has been removed. Obviously you still don't understand how hurtful and offensive your comment was, and even your follow-up is. Some things can't be explained away by 'I meant...'. They can only be, perhaps, forgiven by: I fucked up, it's been bad, I'm sorry, I try to do better in the future.

    This thread is now closed. There has been enough wank.
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