
Summer Fest Art: Coordination Is Key

The World of Severus Snape

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Summer Fest Art: Coordination Is Key

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Title: Coordination Is Key
Artist: [info]ghot
Pairing: SS/RL
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For [info]sweetmelodykiss' drabble, "Coordination Is Key".
A/N: Melody, I hope you don't mind that I took your cute, PG rated drabble and drew a porny pic for it... but I just couldn't help wondering what must have happened after Snape said "On the other hand, it is a convenient position." ;)

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Coordination Is Key
  • Love the blushing, and Severus' treasure trail!. Remus should have expected Severus to take advantage.
  • Ooh, total SQUEEage! That is the most gorgeous piece of art I have ever seen. The blush on Remus and Severus face is so lovely, the hammock, their position, the blue of the ocean and all that sand. OMG, that is just so deliciously hot. Hugs, hugs and more hugs for you! Thank you so much! I will treasure this forever.
    • Yay!! I was afraid it was way too porny for your drabble, almost like I was subverting it. ^^; I did try but couldn't draw something else...
      I'm so glad you liked!! *HUGS*
  • Question: Does anyone know what to do so that an IJ-cut carries over to LJ when I follow the comm via RSS feed? While I don't mind the pic as such, it's so huge that it distorts my LJ. Which happens with many posts, by the way, it's not just this one. IJ-cuts never carry over.
    • I did what I could here, making a thumbnail.
      No idea why it happens though.
      • Oh, I know that you used a cut. Sorry, if I didn't make that clear. I don't think it's anything the poster, which in this case was you, here at IJ can do about. I had just hoped anyone could point out a general way to avoid having one's LJ distorted.
        • There used to be a time when feeds would only display the first few lines of a post... and now they show the full text and the images. I suppose they're still working on it.
  • Gorgeous art! Hee hee, and a nice illustration and sequel of sorts to the drabble! ^_^
  • Mmm, gorgeous!
  • Oh, wow, wonderful! I'm fixated on Lupin's sultry face. The whole thing is beautiful!
    • Yay, thank you! I'm glad you liked! :D
  • how did I miss this gem?

    goes on my list of fun things to do at the beach!

    Remus' face is a wonder, the blush, and his wonderful 'guh' expression is a delight.
    • Hehe, I'm glad you liked!
      Thanks very much! XDD
  • This is beautifully done. Their expressions are great, an that beach looks so inviting.
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