February 9th, 2014

[info]purplefluffycat in [info]snape_rarepairs

Fic: 'Proceedings from the Herbologists’ Fortnightly', Pomona Sprout/Severus Snape, NC-17

Title: Proceedings from the Herbologists’ Fortnightly
Author: [info]purplefluffycat
Pairing: Pomona Sprout/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Content: Submission, orgasm denial (ultimately satisfied), mild pain play and restraints.
Word Count: About 2000

Summary/Description: Pomona had admitted it properly to herself for the first time this year: she was lonely, and sick and tired of not having any sex. This is the tale of what happens when a clever lady takes steps to ensure her own pleasure.

Author's Notes: This was written for [info]venturous in [info]daily_deviant's 2013 Kinky Kristmas fest, with the prompt, ‘Pomona finds an unlikely playmate who takes her where she needs to go; someone who helps her celebrate her lush, mature body, and releases her inner goddess.’ It was also somewhat inspired by the memoir, 'A Round-Heeled Woman,' by Jane Juska.

She had done exactly what any sensible, educated witch might have done at two in the morning in a fit of there’s-nothing-to-lose: place a discreet personal advert on the inner-back page of ‘Herbologists’ Fortnightly’. )