Snack Attack - February 27th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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February 27th, 2008

FIC: Unconquered (NC-17) [Feb. 27th, 2008|02:19 am]
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Title: Unconquered
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Highlight for Warnings: *hate!sex/fight!sex, floor!sex*
Word Count: 3,280
Summary: Padfoot waits for prey. The resulting fight gets out of hand.
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[Feb. 27th, 2008|05:39 pm]
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Size Matters
NC-17 The marauders make Snape admit he's gay. Sirius lingers behind to release him without the other three. They both find secrets out about each other. Sirius/Snape.

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