Snack Attack - February 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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February 12th, 2008

Fic: Time to Steal Away (Remus/Severus/Sirius, R) [Feb. 12th, 2008|11:28 am]
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Title: Time to Steal Away
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius, Severus/Sirius
Rating: hard R
Highlight for Warnings: *threesome, some roughness*
Word Count: 2,018
Summary: Sirius is moody, but he's not someone to keep quiet for long. His feelings change so quickly that one moment he might be sulking in a corner and the next he's laughing his ass off because of a stupid joke someone's been cracking. So when he's been quiet for three whole days, not even in on attacking Snape with James and Peter, Remus starts to worry.
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Kisses (SB/SS) PG13 [Feb. 12th, 2008|03:56 pm]


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[Current Location |snowy blowy Indiana]
[mood |pensive]
[music |Jake 2 point 0]

Title: Title:

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: SB/SS
Summary: One moment in his arms, shared kisses sweeter than wine…what’s Severus Snape’s heaven consists of.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 723
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Established Relationship
Warnings: none
A/N: My St. Valentine’s gift for 2008. A companion piece to Showing Restraint.

A methodical man learns all he can, for himself, for his lover.
Happy St. Valentine's Day!
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Same Time Next Week [Feb. 12th, 2008|08:25 pm]


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Title: Same Time Next Week
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Pairing: Sirius/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Category: Ficlet
Summary: Who would want him except Snape?
Word Count: 1129
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
A quick beta by Leslie and Lisa

Same Time Next Week
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