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Speaking of Orgasms...

The Sentinel fandom has a charity auction every year and last year I hosted a challenge on LJ to write drabble-sized and up sentinel orgasms, which were then collected together and offered to anyone making a five dollar donation to Moonridge Animal Park.

Intro to the anthology:

What does The Sentinel have that no other fandom has? Those wonderful, amazing, stupendous heightened senses and that means Jim Ellison has Super Sentinel-Sized Orgasms the like of which mere mortal woman cannot ever hope to experience, but can definitely *sweat-drop* imagine... over and over and over again.

Twelve writers and two artists took on the challenge and this is the result. We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we did creating it.

Donate an Orgasm for Moonridge 2007 Anthology

Don't forget to click on the art links. They're both gorgeous but the one by T.W. Lewis has a nifty orgasm in it.

ETA: Most of the orgasms are slash in nature, although one is het.


Jan. 1st, 2008 10:18 pm (UTC)
Oh, great collection! And what a great idea. Thanks so much for posting a link for us. Just what we needed on Orgasm Day!
Jan. 1st, 2008 10:43 pm (UTC)
*g* The similarity in theme was very striking. If ever there was a comm for this anthology,
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<lj-user="smutday">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

*g* The similarity in theme was very striking. If ever there was a comm for this anthology, <lj-user="smutday"> is it!