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The Rules of This Community



1. You must be 18, or the age of consent in your country to join this community. Membership is moderated, which means you need an age statement on your journal's profile, or need to send me a statement of your age before I will approve your membership.

2. It should be expected that all posts will be rated NC17, but all sexually explicit photos, artwork or fic must be behind an lj-cut and Members Locked, with any necessary warnings prominently displayed.

3. If you are posting or linking to fic, video or art, you must either own it, or make it perfectly clear who the owner is. If you don't know the owner, make that clear as well. If I find anyone claiming something that doesn't belong to them, I will immediately ban that person from the community, and take down the offending piece/pieces. Be honest.

If anyone has discovered their own work is posted here without their permission, let me know and I will remove it immediately, or if you don't mind sharing, I'll just make sure you get the proper credit due.

4. You may post your work or recs here or post a link to them on your journal or website; but be sure your links work. I'll give you a warning if I discover broken links, and if you don't fix them, I'll remove the posts. And no hotlinking.

5. Use LJ-cuts.
Any fic of more than 100 words should be behind an lj-cut.
Any fic that would require more than a PG-13 or Teen rating should be behind an lj-cut regardless of size.
Any piece of art larger than 500 pixels square should be behind an lj-cut.
Any picture with full-frontal nudity or sexual acts should be behind an lj-cut.
Are you getting the idea?

Use this template when making an lj-cut, in case you've never used one before:
< lj-cut text="title of fic or brief description of photo/artwork here">
(Just remove the space between the < and the words lj-cut when you post.)

Why use a cut? Common courtesy to your fellow readers. No large fic or large pics on the main page means easier access to those on dial-up. No pornography in plain sight makes it easier on your fellow smutsters who might want to view Smutday at work. Also, Insane Journal has requested that we use cuts on explicit content in order to help IJ keep such content from the eyes of underage viewers. I don't think that's too much to ask.

6. Joining or watching this community means you are aware of the nature of the Smut we are looking for and are willing to see it on your friends page. We will not hide it from you.

You will see Smutty icons used here, Smutty pictures shown here, Smutty fic on display or described in detail on pretty much every entry. If you access this journal at work or around those you don't wish to see what we talk about, you should probably use an image placeholder for pictures (you can activate that function through the readers options page), or use an adult filter so others won't be exposed. Don't expect us to do the work for you. We're just here for the Smut.

7. Everything you post must be Smut! If it's not at least R rated, the chances are rather small it fits into this community, but if you can make a PG rated fic or piece of art fit the prerequisites, then more power to you!

8. Use some sort of rating system when you post. I use the tried and true G, PG, PG-13, R and NC17 movie rating system (yeah, I know there was a kerfluffle about it, but it's mostly faded now, and they're fairly well known, so I'll use them until I can't anymore.) You can use your own if you'd rather, as long as it is clearly understandable. Child, Teen, Adult, Mature seems to work well, or anything similar.

9. Please put slash, femmeslash, het - or whatever combination of them fits - somewhere in your rec or heading. Not everyone likes the same thing. Be considerate.

10. At least once in your heading or in the subject line, the names of the characters should be spelled out completely, so those less familiar with your fandoms will be able to tell who the story is about. For instance: McKay/Sheppard instead of McShep, or Spike/Xander instead of Spander. This will benefit the writer as well, as those less familiar with the fandom will be more likely to read the story if they know who the pairing is.

11. No photographs containing child pornography (explicit, nude, or erotic pictures taken of anyone under the age of 18) are ever allowed. They are against the law pretty much everywhere, and will be removed immediately.

12. Almost nothing is forbidden. (See Rule 11 for exceptions.) I don't care if it's offensive to some, as long as it's marked clearly as a potential squick, then it doesn't matter what you post. But you must be considerate and always warn readers or viewers of potential squicks.

Here's a list here of things that require a warning. What may be fine for you, will disturb someone else, and if a simple courtesy can alleviate the problem, then there is no excuse for not offering that courtesy.

The following list is expected to be warned for in every rec, post or link:

bloodplay, child abuse, dark fic, domestic abuse, erotic asphyxiation, explicit torture, extreme bdsm, extreme violence, fisting, golden showers, incest, major character death, mpreg, non-con, rape, scat

If you would like to see something added to the list, please email me and I will consider your request.

(And yes, Mpreg is on the list because it's one of my few squicks. So sue me, it's my party and I'll squick if I want to.)

13. Tag your entries. For now, tags are open. This may change if we have problems with them. Please tag for the following items:
fandom (or original fiction/art)
type of post (art, manipulation, rec, fanfic, icons, videos)
anything from the Warnings list that is applicable.

Your moderator will be occasionally adding tags to posts, or adjusting already existing ones in an effort to keep the tags as clear and user friendly as possible.

14. As I've stated more than once already, the word for this community is courtesy. Don't flame someone if they don't go by the rules. Tell me about it, and I'll take care of it. Don't start arguments/flame wars/wanks/snit fits, whatever you want to call them. They will not be tolerated. However spirited debate is another thing. I'm all for that. Go for it. Just keep it civil.

If you can't handle a disagreement with respect for your fellow IJers, then you will be banned. Not the person who made the mistake, said the thing that bothered you, or didn't respect your squicks. I'll take care of them. You take care of yourself, 'cause if I have to, you won't like it.

15. Feel free to advertise other communities, as long as they're all about the Smut. Just be kind, and make the advertisements easy on the eye and follow the rules about lj-cuts and links. If however anyone misuses this privilege, I'll have to go to approving all advertisements before they're posted, so pay attention, please.

16. Depending on the nature of the problem, I will probably give you time to fix any problems before deleting a post, rescinding your posting privileges or banning you from the community. If you feel you have not been given adequate warning, or have been treated unfairly, let me know, and I'll consider the situation and your complaints. However, once you've had an opportunity to appeal, my decision is final. I will try to be fair, but it's my community, and mine is the final word. If that bothers you, start your own damn community.

Your maintainer and mod, [info]dustandroses


Sep. 10th, 2007 10:52 pm (UTC)
The last paragraph of rule 5 mentions LJ rules and the threat of being closed down by LJ. This should probably be IJ, and you might wish to adapt the paragraph further based on IJ policies instead of LJ policies.
Sep. 10th, 2007 11:50 pm (UTC)
Thanks for the reminder. I finally just buckled down and spent the ten minutes it took to clear up the discrepancies. I think I got them all, now. *g*