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[23 May 2017|01:08am]
[info]theridge Tired of the same handful of cities popping up over and over? Want to try something a little different? If so, The Ridge is the place for you! If you're struggling to think of a character, check out [info]rlines for some ideas.

Bring us your Telekinetics, your Retro-Cognitives, your huddled Empaths yearning to breathe free! Next adds are being done tonight.
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[23 May 2017|06:59am]
Playing hooky today, anyone want a one-shot?

Smut preferred. ABO loved. Weird sci-fi "aliens make them fuck" loved. Sex pollen loved.

Looking for something? Just ask.
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[23 May 2017|10:02am]
Kurt? I've been looking for you forever.
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[23 May 2017|02:50pm]
[info]eastboys i'd love a roommate, especially if they come from a much wealthier background than him for some fun clashing! the boy he flirted with all summer that he abruptly dumped when they started getting too close, maybe fellow swim team or band members??
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[23 May 2017|03:27pm]
[info]eastboys do i keep cameron dallas or switch to dylan lee? help
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[23 May 2017|04:30pm]
[info]eastboys Desperately seeking face suggestions for a senior? Is there anyone wanted for lines? Looking for connections! People who think he's stuck up because he hasn't been to one party all four years, someone cheeky to steal his heart and maybe break it? The roommate he has a long-going dare and/or prank war with (that sometimes gets out of hand). Anything ranging for aw to insane.
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[23 May 2017|05:04pm]
[info]eastboys taking this tom hardy pb as the school counselor, could i get his two younger brothers, one is a senior and the other a junior at the school. also a teacher for an ex, boys he's very close with who confide in him etc.
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[23 May 2017|05:08pm]
anyone up celeb or pb customs? interested in nsfw gifs, dirty talk and potential scenes as a result. open to private messages while i clean this mess of a journal out and get a screened post up. xposted
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[23 May 2017|07:59pm]
So I got sucked into watching season 5 Prison Break and this muse is back, alive and kicking.

I'm looking for a Dominic Purcell pb for a slash line, slightly angsty to begin with but also domestic, with kids and plenty of kink (Alec prefers to bottom and A/B/O elements would be loved!)

Any takers?
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[23 May 2017|10:16pm]
Felix is a guardian angel who hates his job, but is actually really fucking good at doing it. He specialises in "helping the worst of the worst find the right path", but sometimes God is good to him and gives him nice people to protect instead. Being a guardian angel doesn't just mean helping people make decisions, but also means Felix will physically protect anyone he's assigned to. Unfortunately, he isn't allowed to tell anyone he's an angel, so if you see this random tiny dude popping up all the time to save your life then... well. Your guess is as good as any.

Open to all sorts of lines for him: falling for his human, encountering (being used by?) a demon, angel/angel things, being assigned a supernatural creature, catering to any of his assignment's weird kinks to make 'em happy, etc. Cute, fluffy lines and dark, depraved lines are all equally loved--or we could have a mix of both! Canon characters and OCs are welcome, too.

Smut is OK and I have zero limits (seriously), but Felix is more into getting fucked. Historical/futuristic lines are also definitely doable seeing as he's immortal, so hey! And if you'd like to play with Felix as a human, he was an adult around the time of WWII and died at Pearl Harbour.

Comments screened! Will happily make customs on request.
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