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[27 Aug 2017|01:36pm]

Hey y'all!

It's Rae here.

I have an application sent for this boy here.

You can check out his bio here.

If anyone would like to plot please let me know, email is easiest for me or you can leave something here or in his Dropbox.

I'm excited to play here with all of you! Thank you for letting me write with you.

<3 Your friendly-neighborhood Raeness

[24 Aug 2017|08:03pm]


I'm Rae.

I'm hoping to apply here.

Does anyone need anything?

If you want, this journal has a Dropbox otherwise you can reach me at

I have a TON of ideas and I'd be happy to brainstorm.

Or if there are specifics needed let me know!

This is what I've been tossing around )

[10 Jul 2017|10:14pm]

I debated posting about this, but I wanted to apologize to every one for joining and then pretty much disappearing. I had a family situation come up last month and I didn't really have it in me to focus on too much in the realm of RP. I tried, but it just wasn't clicking for me. Things have finally settled back down and I'm getting myself back to what is going to be the new normal for me.

That said: HI This is Rahul. He's lived in the area for most of his life and is now the owner of Nour's Retreat, a coffee house that specialises in the coffees, teas and treats often found in the homes of middle eastern families. He also often has a lunch special of some kind for people who want something quick during that time of day, but it's nothing really formal. I know I did one of these posts before, and talked to a few people about some lines but then life happened. I'd really like to get Rahul out there and in the swing of things again so hit me up if you see me on AIM or comment his journal.

thank you mods for being understanding, an update is coming soon.

[08 Jul 2017|08:10pm]

Hello all! I'm about to app this girl, and I thought I'd see if anyone was interested in any lines or needed anything.

Emily here is James' cousin. She just moved to The Ridge ( as in she gets into town on Sunday ) and only knows James and Max. Unless your kid happens to have spent a lot of time on Toronto, Ontario?

She's going to need more friends, people who like to do tabletop gaming, people who like to get dressed up in silly costumes ( sometimes for no reason at all, just because ), and pretty much everything else you can think of.

She does automatic drawing as her ability, and she doesn't work ( yet ) because the Martins be rich bitches.

[07 Jul 2017|12:41am]

PSA: you guys probably already know this, but just in case

Photobucket has stopped it's 3rd party hosting service for everyone except those who take on their Plus 500 account

In short, unless you pay them $399.99 a year ($39.99 a month) you can't post your pics from their site to other sites anymore; that's why we're seeing that gross error message come up on the journals

Anyone got any ideas for alternatives? I'm hearing and Flickr?

[04 Jul 2017|09:12pm]

Happy fourth of july everyone! I just applied with this girl. She's a 23 year old New Orleans native having lived in different parts of the city with her parents and three brothers, however she moved into River Ridge three years ago. She learned she was psychokinetic when she was five but hid it from everyone until she was busted using it by her mother at the age of 10. Five years ago, she started her own gaming career on youtube/twitch. When she's not working on that, she works at PaganVoodoo. I need friends, people who watch her videos, a rooomate, anything you got for her!

[03 Jul 2017|11:20am]

I'm looking to play a female. Early 20s to mid-30s. I might have a character idea (or three) but I'd love to mesh that with someone that's needed in a game. Face suggestions welcome. Who needs what?

Looking for a line! [02 Jul 2017|10:24pm]

Hey guys!

So, I'm looking for someone to play Nigel's best friend, and the surrogate mother of Angelie, Veronica Sparks. She's British, and she and Nigel grew up together in Cotswold together.She would be a black woman in her early forties, who is the lead singer of a very popular British band called Metal Babies, that's been together about twenty years now and has quite the cult following.

If anyone is interested, please, go ahead and drop me a line!

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