Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
May 15th, 2009
04:00 pm


Alan Davis draws She-Hulk
In the recent Savage She-Hulk #2, Marvel thoughtfully included a reprint of an old Claremont/Davis She-Hulk short story. While you can make some arguments about when the top of Claremont's game was - and make no mistake, there was a point in time where, as far as mainstream superhero books go, he was the best - this is top-of-game-adjacent at the very least. He always seemed to have a lot of fun with She-Hulk and her job as a lawyer, and worked her in as a cameo with reasonable frequency.

I'm not sure where this originally appeared. I want to say it's from the late eighties, which would make it fairly likely that this is from the short-lived Solo Avengers book.

four pages after the cut )

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