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Episode 314 [Apr. 22nd, 2009|06:40 pm]

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Welcome to Episode 314

Step inside for beautiful graphics and the discussion. )
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Episode 313 [Apr. 1st, 2009|06:50 pm]

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lovely banner by the awesome [info]maybe742

Welcome to Episode 313. :D Discussion to follow in the comments below.
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Episode 312 [Mar. 21st, 2009|08:54 am]

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brilliant banner by [info]qafmaniac

Welcome to Episode 312 where the hair is pretty, the jackets are black leather, and justin is a hustler. Hee. Come squee with me!
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Episode 311 [Feb. 17th, 2009|07:00 pm]

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This amazing banner was made by [info]kari77, who kindly stepped in rather last minute and made this for all of us to enjoy.

It's all about the sex.

Well, that's not all it's about, but holy hotness there is a lot of it happening in this one. Needless to say, it's one of my favorites. :D

Step inside. Bring a fan. Or a cold shower.


ps...if 311 doesn't bring enough heat for you, please stop by [info]bj_action and check out the new theme. This time we have fic (6 i believe), Vid, and Graphics. All featuring the theme of Sex in Public. And leave the authors and artists some love please, it's your fandom duty.
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Episode 310 [Feb. 11th, 2009|07:59 pm]

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lovely banner by the equally lovely [info]nerilka24

Sorry we are a night late. Let's get to it shall we?
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Episode 309 [Feb. 3rd, 2009|07:48 pm]

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This beautiful banner was made for us by [info]brianslave68

This is possibly my favorite opening scene of any episode, but it's not the the only reason I love it. This also might be my favorite piece of music from the whole series to listen to in my car, so good. Come squee with me. :D
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Episode 308 [Jan. 27th, 2009|08:13 pm]

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This awesome banner was made for by the briliant [info]qafmaniac.

Sorry for the delay! And to prevent a further delay I will say no more except: Let the SQUEE commence!
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Episode 307 [Jan. 13th, 2009|08:24 pm]

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this unbelievably beautiful banner was made by [info]maybe742

Sorry I'm late, but let's get on with it shall we. I freaking love this episode!
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Episode 306 [Jan. 6th, 2009|07:46 pm]

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banner by the awesome [info]maybe742

Welcome back to marathons. Sorry for the long hiatus. Hopefully we shall be continuing uninterrupted for at least a couple months now. So step inside for a little 306 discussion and squeeage. Forgive me if this goes a bit slow tonight, it's been awhile :D
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One Major Ass Fuck Up. Episode 305, this way please [Dec. 2nd, 2008|08:26 pm]

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I accidently put the post for 305 on my personal journal. and there are way too many comments there already for me to move it.

So please, Follow this link to Ny's journal and join us for the discussion there for tonight only.

I am soooo majorly sorry.

My bad.

this gorgeous banner was made by the talented [info]maybe742
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304 [Nov. 18th, 2008|07:56 pm]

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by the aaaamazing [info]qafmaniac

304 is Love. Meep. and we are sooo close now to the most historic.... In this episode JT saves Rage from the demon spawn. :D
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Episode 303 [Nov. 11th, 2008|07:35 pm]

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lovely banner by [info]nerilka24

i freakin love this episode. that is all. :D well...that isn't really all, but you'll have to read the comments to find out why.

PS I'm in a lot of pain. I'm going to try and get through this episode, because it makes me happy. But if i can't, please feel free to continue the discussion without me. And if no one is here to play, then i'll just pick up where I left off when I can.
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Episode 302 [Oct. 28th, 2008|04:44 pm]

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banner by the awesome [info]brianslave68

Are ready to rediscover Teh Love? Brian and Justin are. My love for the next 7 13 40 episodes knows no bounds. One of my favorite all time Justin moments is in this episode. And the scene in the icon above? It's fucking exquisite. (so's the icon!) Come squee with me! :D
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Episode 301 [Oct. 21st, 2008|07:45 pm]

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301 maniac
Stunning graphic courtesy of [info]qafmaniac

Well fellow Marathoners, for me, this is the last one of the episodes that really truly deeply hurt my soul. And at the same time, this is the first episode to start giving me back my hope. We are more than halfway through the series at this point. Which is a bit hard for me to believe. But I'm so excited, because for me, it only gets more and more amazing. :D

PS: Through 216-220 I mostly tried to be as fair to Ethan as possible. Be forewarned, from this point forward, it pretty much goes out the window. :X I can't help it. hee!
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