Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 31st, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 31st, 2012

It's Only Time - a story comprising drabbles from all 37 Gusmas prompts [Dec. 31st, 2012|12:38 am]


[mood |exhausted]
[music |When Irish Eyes Are Smiling]

For some reason, once I get started working on these Gusmas prompts, the drabbles come and they all flow into a single story. It's happened like that every year. So here is this year's offering, posted in one, partly because I can't face posting 37 entries, but also because it will make more sense this way. Because it's so long, I'll put it under a cut.

Warning: Lindsay and Melanie aren't exactly my favourite people which kind of comes across in this story.

Rating: NC-17

Author's Note: One drabble may only make sense to those who are familiar with Les Miserables, but now that the film's out, no one has any excuse for not seeing this wonderful, wonderful show.

It's Only Time )
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|10:32 am]
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Title: Unexpected Sanctuary
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Picture Prompt-Waterfall
Notes: 2 drabbles

Gus didn’t want to move to the country. He loved Toronto, and let his mothers know every chance he got. He could walk to his friends’ houses in Toronto; he could play on his computer without waiting for someone to hook up the internet. The country sucked. Fed up with his complaining as they tried to unpack, they sent him to explore the woods behind the house.

Gus hated the woods. They were hot and buggy and too quiet. Then he discovered the small waterfall at the edge of their property, and it became his favorite place in the world.

Unexpected Sanctuary Part 2 )
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|11:03 am]
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Title: Words of Wisdom
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Losers

As each person in the circle spoke, Ted tried to concentrate on what they were saying instead of dreading his turn to speak. The counselor had started a discussion of things they’d lost to drugs, and Ted wasn’t ready to face his list of failures.

One of the angrier members of the group, Mark Ted thought, interrupted. “It’s not about what we lost. We’re just a bunch of losers. We started taking drugs because we’re losers. We couldn’t handle drugs because we’re losers. And we’ll probably start using again because we’re losers.”

Ted had a horrible feeling he was right.
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Gusmas 2012: "Troubles in Paradise" [Dec. 31st, 2012|02:54 pm]



Title: "Troubles in Paradise"
Author: [info]pam81
Beta: Carolyn [info]shadownyc ♥ Thank you hon! All remaining mistakes are mine. Special thanks also to my dear [info]pet0511 for helping me with the story.
Prompt(s): All the 37 prompts for a full coherent story.
Notes: I wrote 37 drabbles using all the prompts linked, I fulfilled my challange with prompts Dec 5/Dec 22/Dec 28 and the one for the picture prompts. I'm a member of [info]kinnetik_sun and [info]qaf_land I fulfilled the challange for Dec.7, Dec.18 and Dec.19. Gus is in 4 drabbles. And it's also [info]drabylon dollars! Sorry Lisa [info]brianswalk ;)

Troubles in Paradise )

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It's Even Worse Than Last Year XVII-XX [Dec. 31st, 2012|03:02 pm]
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Title: It's Even Worse Than Last Year
Author: xheartrockx
Prompt(s): Do you wanna hold me?, Torrential downpour, You love me so much, History repeats itself
Notes: This is the sequel to The Worst Holiday Season Ever – which you should read in order for this to make sense. This starts shortly after Thanksgiving and follows the prompts in order. Sometimes it's one prompt!day per fic!day, sometimes I use more than one prompt to tell a day in the fic.

Just Dance )


Let It Rain )


I want it all )


History repeats itself )
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|03:35 pm]
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Title: Better than The Notebook
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Just stay in and watch TV

Brian came home and found Justin and Daphne curled up on the couch watching Magic Mike. He didn’t say a word, just changed out of his suit before grabbing a spoon from the kitchen and sitting next to Daphne.

Eying the cartons of ice cream on the coffee table, Brian decided Butter Pecan was the least likely to completely ruin his diet. Pretending to be caught up in the strip dance currently playing, he silently took the caramel sauce Justin held out.

When the scene changed, he planted a sticky kiss on Daphne’s cheek. “I knew Dan was a dick.”
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|04:30 pm]
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Title: Coming to Terms
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: The hand you were dealt

Justin doesn’t get angry anymore. He stops when he needs to, letting Brian massage the cramps from his palm.

People ask him about it. Is he bitter, full of regrets, haunted by what could have been? He gives stupid, pat answers because he doesn’t know how to explain.

He thinks about how he used to draw, with careful lines and painstaking attention to detail, and knows it would never have been able to hold his anger, his pain the way his painting does. He paints now knowing those careful lines wouldn’t be broad enough to hold his joy, his love.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|05:15 pm]
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Title: Welcome Surprise
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: The last to know
Notes: 2 Drabbles


Something in Michael’s voice makes Debbie stopped wiping down the counter and step out from behind the cash register. Michael is there with Ben, and they are both holding one hand of a small boy, Debbie would guess he’s five or six.

“Who is this?” She asks, bending down.

“This is Marcus,” Michael takes a deep breath. “Our son.”

“Your what!” Debbie can’t help shouting.

Marcus takes a step back toward Ben. “He’s our foster son for now, but we’ve been approved to adopt him. We couldn’t tell anyone until we were sure, until we could bring him home.”

Welcome Surprise Part 2 )
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|06:15 pm]
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Title: Choking on the Truth
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt" Do you wanna hold me?

“Hold up,” Debbie stops Brian as he tries to sneak up the stairs. She steps closer and spots the bruise on his cheek. “What happened, and don’t tell me you fell again.”

“What’s it matter?”

Debbie forces him to look at her. “It matters to me.”

“And if I tell you,” Brian yells defiantly. “What are you going to do? Hug me and make it all better?”

“I would if you’d let me,” Debbie ignores Brian’s snort. “But you won’t; so I’m calling your mother and telling her you’re staying for the weekend.”

He nods, and they pretend it’s enough.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|06:59 pm]
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Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Torrential Downpour

Lindsay waits for the bus, struggling to hold on to the huge umbrella that does little to protect her from the rain and the wind. She smiles when JR gets off, a bright spot of yellow in her rain coat and boats.

“Come on, honey,” she urges her daughter under the umbrella. “Let’s hurry.”

But JR is never in a hurry. She jumps into a puddle, giggling when the water splashes them, before doing it again.

“JR, stop that!”

“But Mom,” JR singsongs, her smile bright. “It’s fun.”

Lindsay squeezes her hand, and they jump into the next puddle together.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|07:53 pm]
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Title: Not Another Romeo and Juliet
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: You love me so much

“But she loves me.”

Even through the video connection, Brian hears the conviction and desperation in Gus’s voice.

“You’re only sixteen,” Lindsay begins.

Gus is in love with a waitress at the diner where he buses tables. She’s only twenty, not that much older, but already divorced, raising a three-year-old and an infant with no support. Exactly what Brian doesn’t want for his son.

Brian knows they’re right. Gus is too young and too sheltered to be what she needs; she’ll break his heart. But maybe, Gus is right.

“Justin and I will fly up this weekend to meet her.”
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|08:11 pm]
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Title: Cracks in the Glass
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: History repeats itself

Brian smiles at their reflection. “We should practice our first dance,” he teases, pulling Justin into his arms.

They circle the dressing room a few times, laughing and kissing. Brian dips Justin low, closing his eyes against the brightness of Justin’s smile.

When he opens them, Justin is on the floor, blood spreading beneath him. Brian scrambles back, crashes into the mirror and screams.

He screams until he wakes up, throat raw, heart pounding.

Hands shaking, he books the first flight to New York. He waits to call Justin until he’s in cab leaving the airport, his voice finally steady.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|08:44 pm]
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Title: From the Ashes
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Picture Prompt-Fire

The fireplace in Ted’s room is already lit when he walks in with Blake, and he wonders if it looks like a set-up. Ted sits on the edge of the couch, staring nervously into the flames.

He meant his wish, but if Ted were going to wish for someone, it would be Blake. His face burns from that admission as much as it does from the heat.

“Ted,” Blake’s hand is gentle on Ted’s arm. “Nothing will happen unless you want it to.”

“And if I do?” Ted forces the words out.

“Then maybe we finally have our timing right.”
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|09:03 pm]
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Title: Missing the Expert Touch
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Hanukkah

“These are good, Grandma,” Gus tried to smile.

JR nodded while she drank half her glass of milk trying to swallow.

Debbie took the doughnuts off the table and threw them away. They were tough and greasy and most of the jam had escaped into the oil.

“Thanks for trying, kids.” Debbie gave each of them a few chocolate coins to make up for the doughnuts. “Now your Uncle Vic would have made sufganiyot fit for a king. He was a pastry chef, you know.”

“Did he make cookies?” JR asked.

“The best,” Debbie began. “I’ll tell you about them.”
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|09:44 pm]
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Title: Change of Plans
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Cars, trains, buses, and planes

The first time Justin tried to take a bus to Pittsburgh, Brian emailed him a plane ticket. The second time he bought a bus ticket, Brian showed up at his apartment then dragged him to a hotel for the weekend.

He didn’t tell Brian the third time, only calling him from the station. Brian bitched the whole way back to the loft then tried to buy him a car.

“You’re ridiculous,” Justin laughed.

“Buses stink and are filled with serial killers and drunks,” Brian shuddered.

Justin rolled his eyes, but, hearing the worry Brian tried to hide, stuck with planes.
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Gusmas -- extension [Dec. 31st, 2012|10:15 pm]



By popular demand, I am extending the 37 Days of Gusmas until noon Eastern (New York) time on Jan 1, 2013.

If you made a pledge and you don't want drabbles posted during the extension to count toward it, please just leave me a comment and we'll make sure not to include it in our count toward your pledge!

My pledge of $1 per drabble will be honored during the extension.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|10:24 pm]
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Title: Waking Nightmare
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Picture Prompt-Red

Brian could barely see through a haze of red. He pushed his way into the building everyone else was fleeing, struggling to get his bearings. He choked on smoke, the air heavy with it.

Brian tried to ignore the flashing lights, the blaring of emergency signals. The longer he looked, the less he could see. Fear and anger overwhelmed him, and he could hear himself shouting, desperate. Where was he?

When he finally saw him, everything stopped. Brian took a breath but didn’t taste smoke. His eyes were clear, his heart no longer pounding with fear, his arms open.

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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|10:49 pm]
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Title: Last in a Long Line
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Somehow I always knew this would happen

“Come on, Brian, harder,” Justin demanded as he pushed his hips up to meet Brian’s thrust.

“Yeah, right there,” he moaned before squeaking.


Brian turned around, and God dammit. “Mother Taylor.”

“Oh, God,” Jennifer had her hands over her eyes. “I heard Justin was home...I knocked. . .the door.”

“You didn’t shut the fucking door?” Justin hissed.

“I was too busy sucking you off,” Brian shot back. “I don’t recall you stopping to remind me.”

Brian turned his attention back to Jennifer. “We’ll meet you at the diner in an hour. I’m sure you can find your way out.”
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Gusmas: Posting for tawny [Dec. 31st, 2012|10:59 pm]


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Title: Morning
Author: tawny
Prompt: Christmas Day
Note: Two drabbles, posted by Xie for tawny, who is not on IJ

Justin turned towards Brian as he awoke and couldn’t believe they had survived the past year. When he left Pittsburg for New York he thought he’d lose Brian, yet here they were together. They were more than together; they were committed to each other. Justin had spent six months in New York before he decided he needed to be in Pittsburgh with Brian and the rest of his family.

“What are you looking at?” Brian asked as his eyes opened.

“I’m looking at my Christmas present,” Justin said as he lifted the covers from Brian’s body. “Merry Christmas to me!”

Title: Together
Author: tawny
Prompt: Life Isn’t Fair
Note: Posted by Xie for tawny, who is not on IJ

Justin clutched his right hand and tried not to cry. Brian looked at him and shook his head, guilt from long ago hitting him.

“I wish I could do something to help.”

“Brian, you help by being here.”

“Yeah right,” Brian went to him and took his hand. “Let me massage it for you.”

“Okay. It’s just not fair. Why do I still have to go through this? It’s been over ten years since that fucking night!” Justin took a deep breath.

“I know. Life isn’t fair Sunshine. But at least we’re still together.” Brian smiled as he kissed Justin.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|11:13 pm]
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Title: Team Building Exercises
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: The gap between concept and execution

“What were you thinking?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” Ted defended himself.

“Prada shopping sprees are a good idea. Flip-top lube bottles are a good idea. A Kinnetik softball team is a recipe for disaster.”

“We almost won,” Ted made it sound like a question.

“You were mercied in the third inning! Against the team from the diner,” Brian pinched the bridge of his nose. “You sprained your ankle, Cynthia has a black eye, and Todd from the art department broke his nose.”

“So you won’t be at our next game? We got you a shirt.”
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|11:39 pm]
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Title: Leave a Light On
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Solstice

“I’m going to Cara’s house to study. See you later,” Hunter yelled, reaching for the door.

“Just be home before dark,” Michael didn’t look up from the issue of Rage he was editing.

“Dude, I’m twenty not twelve, and it’s already dark.”

“What?” Michael set the comic down.

“It’s the middle of winter and that solstice thing isn’t till next week.” Hunter opened the door so Michael could see how dark it was. “It’s dark before I get out of class.”

“Well, be home before midnight, and make sure you actually study this time.”

Hunter saluted on his way out.
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Gusmas 2012 [Dec. 31st, 2012|11:40 pm]


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Title:City of Dreams
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompts:Red, Life Isn't Fair, Night Sky Pic, Here in Town, If At First, Jet Lag, Such a Shame, On the Outside, Smells Like Snow
Notes: I wanted to write a full series but ended up sick for most of December, so rather than miss Gusmas, I decided to post what I have and finish the rest later. Drabylon Dollars and Qaf Land member. Happy New Year, fandom!
City of Dreams 1-10 )
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