Queer as Folk Drabbles - October 1st, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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October 1st, 2012

Round Robin Drabble 34 [Oct. 1st, 2012|04:16 pm]


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Title: Order
Author: [info]sangwin
Drabble Number: 34, follows Not Fair
Condom: Debbie

Craig stares at Debbie. What a stupid bitch.

His eyes travel down the line of people sitting in the front row - halting on Justin.

Craig can see the echos of himself so clearly in the line of this grown man’s jaw, in the angle of his shoulders, the exact tone of his hair.

As he watches, Brian’s hand slides slowly across Justin’s shoulders, lingering on the back of his neck before draping around him. He whispers into Justin’s ear. Justin’s weight shifts towards Brian - barely closer.

Laughter bubbles from Craig’s lips. It escapes before he realizes it has spilled.

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