Queer as Folk Drabbles - September 7th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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September 7th, 2012

[info]mander3_swish, you're up! [Sep. 7th, 2012|01:06 pm]


[info]mander3_swish, can you move on to your turn in the drabble round robin? Bunny just called me and said that the next person has had to drop out, so you're up. Bunny will post a new list when she gets home!


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Round Robin Drabble 21 [Sep. 7th, 2012|04:17 pm]


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Title: Waiting
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble Number: 21 follows Please
Condom: Emmett

Lindsay helped Brian out of bed as the nurse wheeled a chair in from the hallway.

Reaching the doors to the ICU, the nurse asked Lindsay to wait outside. "Only one visitor at a time."

Watching him through the window as he wheeled up to Justin's bed, taking the still, pale hand in his, Lindsay couldn't help but think of how small Brian looked. His face was awash in sadness and fear. Knowing him like she did, she knew he would blame himself for everything that had transpired, even though not one second of anything was his fault.
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Round Robin Drabble 22 [Sep. 7th, 2012|04:17 pm]


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Title: Flutter
Author: [info]mander3_swish
Drabble Number: 22 follows Waiting
Condom: Emmett

The slight movement in his hand startled him awake. When he looked up, he saw Justin's eyelids fluttering, struggling to stay open against the harsh lighting.

"You're here," Justin whispered, his mouth sounding dry.

"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," he replied softly, the words uncharacteristically getting caught in his throat. He pressed a kiss into Justin's palm.

"Are you okay?"

"I think I'm the one that should be asking that. You fucking jumped in front of a bullet for me. I should be pissed for almost losing you again after just getting you back."
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