Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 18th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 18th, 2012

Outside of Challenge [Jun. 18th, 2012|12:17 am]


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Title: When at Home, Do as the French Do

Brian can feel Debbie's glare burning the back of his head, but he studiously ignores her and keeps kissing Justin. Ted—whom Brian has forced to play picture presenter under the threat of losing his job—bumbles through the entire show.

"And this—uh, obviously it's Brian and Justin. I'm not exactly sure where this is...."

Brian pulls away from Justin and snaps, "It's the fucking Louvre, Ted. Christ."

"Don't get pissy," warns Debbie. "They're your fucking vacation photos. The least you could do is stop making out long enough to show them."

"We're sharing our experiences with French culture, Deb. We're Frenching."
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