Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 25th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 25th, 2012

Outside of Challenge [May. 25th, 2012|11:57 pm]


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Title: Woodies
Author: britin1729
Timeline: S1

Debbie froze as she walked passed the bathroom and caught a hushed conversation from behind the door.

"Come on. Do it. Take it out." That was Justin's voice. She rolled her eyes when Brian's answered. She should have known.

"Shit. I'm trying."

"Quiet—you'll wake Debbie. Ow! Careful with that thing. Don't just shove it in."

"You wanted it over fast. Do it yourself if you don't like the way I do it."

Justin made a whimpering noise that Debbie was sure he'd be embarrassed to learn she'd heard.

"Hold still. Almost there," said Brian.

Justin cursed and mewled Brian's name.

Part II )

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