May. 10th, 2009


And now something to help ease the pain of Perdition closing-- a meme! Here I'm copy/pasting the very first meme posted in the OOC comm to be done all over again now. Have at it!


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]

IN CHARACTER MEME THE ... SOMETHINGTH. I won't say in character meme the last.

' Would you rather... or...?' For example! Would you rather Professor Carrow the female or rub the feet of Professor Carrow the male? Would you rather eat a troll's toenail or bathe in lava? From the completely hilarious to the disparagingly mundane -- Your character comments with their name, and all the other characters ask questions!

Apr. 13th, 2009



Sam and I have been talking about doing a mixtape for the end of Perdition. And so, before we did that, I thought that I would post a meme for everyone so that they can get ideas. This meme was borrowed from the venerable Kaitlin of [info]blurred_lines, so thanks to her for thinking up the specifics (even though she is now saving the world in Morocco and cannot see them personally).

It works like this:

1. Comment with the name of your character (seperate posts for each, please!)
2. Other players will comment with the artist/title of songs they associate/think fit that character
3. If you have never heard of the song chosen for you before, you have to go listen to it! or are your best bets!
4. After everyone has posted, bazaam! Character mixtape all picked out, just for you!

Apr. 9th, 2009


Okay! Another meme. This was chat's idea, so the credit goes to them. This one is modeled after PostSecret, so each character can write one of their secrets on a graphic of your choosing and post it here anonymously. After it's posted, everyone will guess whose secret it is.

Be sure to upload your graphics to TinyPic or Image Shack rather than your personal photobuckets to ensure anonymity!

To get the images to show up, use the following code:
<table width=IMGWIDTH height=IMGHEIGHT><tr><td background=IMGURL> </td></tr></table>

WARNING: Some of these are NSFW.


At the behest of chat (which is never very good for my willpower), I am posting a slambook/who would you do/wow tortured Muggles suck, let's have a distraction meme thing. Respond like Susan did and I guess you can comment to each other, too. It's just a meme, though! All OOC, not to be used in game. P.S. Assume they're telling the truth!

slambook )

Apr. 1st, 2009


[ Because we have a LOT of new characters, and because some of our players (you know who you are) have been clamoring for it, we're going to do another OOC meme. These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! None of this is considered "in character" or a part of the game, and thus, information shared here should stay here. Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


Your character has just been given a drink full of VERITASERUM and now they have to tell the truth

Dec. 31st, 2008


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


Your character has just been given a drink full of VERITASERUM and now they have to tell the truth. Post your character's name and other characters can ask questions. They must answer honestly!

Dec. 29th, 2008


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


You are in a boat with three friends/lovers/enemies/acquaintances. But alas! There's a terrible storm and your boat can only hold three people! You need to throw someone overboard.

Thankfully, there's land ahead. But when you get there, there isn't enough to eat. One of your two remaining companions must be eaten. With only one left, you have to populate the island together.

So, who do you toss overboard, who do you eat, and who do you breed with? Comment with your character's name and other people can comment with a list of three characters and your character has to designate which they will drown, which they will eat, and which they will sex. Answers can be based on first impressions!

Dec. 26th, 2008


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


Have your character post with three facts about themself -- two of which should be true, and one of which should be a lie. Then, other characters have to guess which ones are true and which is a lie!

P.S. We have gotten some great meme ideas, but we are planning to use them closer to game start. Thank you for your suggestions, guys! ♥

Dec. 23rd, 2008


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


Post your character's name and other characters will comment with how they would propose to and/or proposition your character!

Dec. 22nd, 2008


[ Note! These are all 100% FOR FUN. All responses should be in character. Nothing that happens in these memes are game canon, PERIOD, but we are hoping that you will grow more comfortable with your character and the dynamics with other characters while doing these! Also, they are totally inspired by TOFFS @ LJ ]


' Would you rather... or...?' For example! Would you rather Professor Carrow the female or rub the feet of Professor Carrow the male? Would you rather eat a troll's toenail or bathe in lava? From the completely hilarious to the disparagingly mundane -- Your character comments with their name, and all the other characters ask questions!