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;; click 'post a comment' to see the availible tags for this community. [25 Dec 2008|03:56pm]


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[19 Jul 2008|02:57pm]

Who: Kharon OT Queen Cecily
What: Making a request for a meeting.
When: On the day of her coronation
Where: On the border between Peralea and the Realm of Men.

We respectfully request... )
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[12 Jul 2008|06:59pm]

Who: Ilya OT Aelana
Where: Albania
When: 15 yrs ago
What: Bear is sent after a Ghoul by a real ghoul to kill her

If you go down to the woods today ... )

OOC: ergh wasn't sure what to write so if you need me to change stuff just lemme know ;)
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[12 Jul 2008|07:29am]

Who: Irena Soler and Lucilius Demos
When: A week or two before her wedding, not long after this.
Where: Possibly the Royal Palace at Antul, but before the Demos were kings.
What: Lucilius and Irena meet for the first time.

Walking about half naked, she was bound to attract attention. )
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[12 Jul 2008|02:07am]

Who: Jasper NPC Parents various
When: When he was a child
What: Abuse, how a normal vampire child is turned into what Jasper becomes
Where: England.
Rating: R - contains child abuse

Mother is god on the words of children ... only not always. )
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Vorian is notified of his impending marriage [24 Jun 2008|09:03pm]

Who: Vorian Demos
When: Some time prior to his wedding to Irena
Where: Somewhere in the Beyond
What: Vorian is notified that he has asked a woman to marry him and she's consented. All without him ever really remembering having seen her.

Has consented... )
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The Death of Lira [20 Jun 2008|06:53am]

Who: Lira Ascher & Her Children - Isleen (28), Morana (18) , Nisha (13), & Kleio (8)
When: Some twenty years after the Death of Dayon.
Where: Thadius, Beyond: The Ascher Manor.
What: Lira is on her deathbed and it seems that betrayal runs in the family. The Death of Lira.
Warnings && Ratings: PG?

And may your hand ever be upon us. )
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A forgotten past... (Part I) [18 Jun 2008|04:18am]

Who: Armond, Astria (NPC), and Julia (NPC)
When: About 550 years ago
Where: Europe somewhere
What: A look inside Armond's life as a human prior to the Demos. Things he can't remember.

I'de rather you a thief than a whore. )
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Vorian and Lucilius, what to do with a murderer. [31 May 2008|10:06am]

Who: Vorian and Lucilius Demos
When: Days after Jesina's wedding.
Where: The Demos Palace at Antul
What: Vorian is the king and something has to be done as far as the killing of someone who is of noble blood, even if it is done by a princess. So he has summoned his brother to discuss the punishment that his wife should incur for the killing of their Aunt, her mother.

No one truly missed the Wicked Witch )
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[27 May 2008|04:33pm]

Who: Liza
When: After this.
Where: Syn's Manor.
What: After being punished, Liza's left in a heap with a task she cannot complete.
Warnings && Ratings: PG.

This was the end. )
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[27 May 2008|01:49am]

Who: Ilya and Stalina
What: breaking Stalina out
Where: Albania
When: A long time ago

It paid to hate )
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[26 May 2008|10:52pm]

Who: Ilya - slightly with Stalina but not much
Where: Siberia
When: A long time ago
What: The making of a monster
Rating: Not particular nice, but not really anything graphical replusive.

if you kept a dog and continually beat it, would it hate you or love you? Bears aren't dogs. )
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Mid-April, 2008: [info]beatrice & [info]rox_vixit [24 May 2008|03:11pm]

WHEN; Mid-April, 2008
WHERE; Rox's apartemtn in Serith
WHAT; Bee has been keeping an eye and ear out for any information of Thadius, but all she has heard is vague and terrible news. She has no idea of how to get in contact with Caleb, Rox, Julian, or anyone else that was supposed to have been in the city when the Wave hit. She digs around her apartment until she finds the key that Rox gave her, and heads over to her apartment to see if she can find anything.

Outside of the door, she looked at the number, the peephole, took a deep breath, and put the key in the lock. )

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[23 May 2008|01:39pm]

Who: Christine Sonata-Barker
When: Prior to the Wave and the wedding.
Where: Syn's Manor
What: Little Christine is thinking about the dollie that she gets to make for the Demos Prince.

feathers )
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[23 May 2008|12:34pm]

Who: The Demos Family and anyone else who would want to be there with ties to them.
When: After the wave a few weeks.
Where: The Palace at Antul and then the DeLucos manor outside of Antul
What: The wedding finally happens and it's got a neat little twist.

What's a vampire wedding without a little bloodshed? )
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[22 May 2008|08:08pm]

Who: Lenneth Anarci, Josh Delany, and Little Sarah
Where: The streets of Serith
When: Right after the wave PT3
What: The final portion of the journey.

Read more... )
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[22 May 2008|11:17pm]

Who: Khalid and Hennisey
Where: Iraq
When: Day before the wave
What: mr insane meets lil miss insane and they both ... no idea what to write here ;__;

I'm blue and you're not? )
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May, 2008 : [info]beatrice & [info]serpentine_lust [22 May 2008|01:06am]

WHEN; Late May, 2008
WHERE; Scrap Yard, Serith, Arillius
WHAT; After months of being in the same city and knowing the same man, Zephia and Bee finally meet. Bee's impression of their relationship was much different than the truth...

Upon closer inspection, as she crossed the dusty yard and headed towards the office, was the blonde thing that she had previously seen with Jeb. Zephia, was it? )

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Finally Married. [21 May 2008|09:21pm]

Who: Zahira Abd Al-Musawwir/Blaze, Vincent Cruz, & whomever they are dragging along as witnesses.
When: The Thursday before The Wave hit.
Where: Serith, Arillius; Around Town.
What: Vincent fools Blaze into going to get married without telling her so she won't have time to go on and on about how she's not getting to have a "real wedding."
Warnings && Ratings: PG13 as they have mouths on them most of the time.

Her idea of the evening was entirely different than his, but she didn't have to know that. )
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Late April, 2008. [21 May 2008|11:17pm]

WHEN; Late April, 2008
WHERE; In the Blackwell-Logan Apartment, Serith, Arillius
WHAT; After accepting his proposal, after living through The Wave and beginning the clean-up, after the jackass came back alive, Bee is certain in how much she loves Jeb and how badly she wants to give him what she cannot at the moment--children. For the first time in her life, Bee honestly decides to pray to God and asks that just this once, he answer her prayer.

I don't know if I'm doing this right. I don't really remember if there's a right or wrong way, but I figure if you're God, then you can probably hear me if I talk or think it. It's really quiet in here so I'm just going to talk. )

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