Jul. 28th, 2009


The Beginning of the End

Hey gang, I am coming to you all with mixed feelings and bad news. I know that earlier this month I insisted that the game is going to be here to stay, and believe me I would like nothing more than for it to continue in its former glory. However, things in the game have changed, and I believe most all of us have felt it. I have tried to give events and encourage plotting and interaction, but it just does not seem to be working.

This game has been truly incredible and the last thing I want is to see it slowly and painfully deflate. I recognize this and while I have tried to counter it, it is obviously not working. I feel it is time to face facts and acknowledge that we've had a truly incredible run and that we should end the game with a bang.

And you all know me. When I say "bang," I mean it quite literally.

That said, I apologize to those who have been consistently and enthusiastically playing, I love you all and I wish I had the know-how to give you the game you deserve. I also realize that there are story lines which are incomplete and I do not intend to screw you all over. I'm blowing the island up shutting the game down just yet, I plan to keep it going for a week or two to allow you all to close off any lines you have, do any of those 'someday' dream scenes you've been talking about, etc. So I am asking, how long do you all want this to be? A week? Two weeks?

After that I will launch a big dramatic event that you all will be encouraged to participate in. What does your character do when it all goes to hell? Time to find out. There is, of course, no way to demand you participate in this, but it should be fun either way.

Thank you all again for all your inputs to the game. I have genuinely enjoyed playing in and running this game, it is one I will forever remember and talk about.


Jul. 10th, 2009


Game-wide event detailed

Hello, Islanders~!

This post is long so here is the TL;DR rundown:
Blue Block and half of Yellow Block are destroyed.
Blue Block mutants are mostly being housed in Green. Yellow Block mutants are mostly being housed in Red. If you want your Blue housed in Red or your Yellow housed in Black, please comment or they will be defaulted.
Multiple injuries to mutants and loss of lots of property. Plot accordingly.
List of named character and NPC deaths can be found here.
Humans must submit to a blood test upon returning to the island to prove they do not carry the X-gene.
Phoenix, Wild Child and Mastermind are all missing.
A group reaction thread is here, feel free to start individual tag lines off the main thread or start your own private one.
Further info, details and plot suggestions below~! )

David will be online all day to answer questions or offer ideas for how to react to this event. You are free to IM him or post questions you think others might have here to get answers. We can also throw up a group chat if you all would like to get together and figure out how groups of characters will react. We know we made some big promises, we hope this has lived up to them! ;)

Jun. 23rd, 2009


Game plot, mod announcement and Tournament!

Hello, lovelies~!

For those of you who missed the announcement in the chat last night, we wanted to recap the information and give you all time to prepare for it. Our lovely mod Xi is going to be phasing herself out of the game, as at the end of July she may well have to leave the game as she is moving--to China! This is a very big and exciting event for her, even if we will miss her terribly. Before anyone starts to panic, we want to assure that the game is not closing, we will be continuing on and David will be looking for a co-mod eventually.

That said, the plot we are cooking up to work her out should be very exciting! It will take place in a few weeks and will result in the destruction of at least one block, at least one death and could result in escapes and all around in-character drama fun~! More details will be revealed as we near the date, so stay tuned!

Also, July Touranment!!
If you want to be involved in the July Tournament, please comment here, and adding in how far you would like to see your mutant get would be glorious. Commenting before Friday (the 26th) would be ideal if possible. More info on Tournaments )

Thanks again for all your enthusiasm and dedication to the game!
Much love!
Mods Xi and David

Apr. 1st, 2009



Attention islanders,

This is a reminder that the rules and faq have been updated. Please make sure to familiarize yourselves with the changes.

Also, a game wide event is planned for after the tournament, tentatively for the following Thursday. This will involve temporary mutant freedom and possible serious fights and escape attempts. If this will cause serious issues for anyone's planned SL's, please let us know by replying to this post.

Also! Everyone please take a moment to pat yourselves on the back--we had at least one thread started every single day in the month of March! Actually, we have had at least one thread every day since February 21st! This is one hell of an active streak and is the best advertisement any of us could ask for. Keep at it, you are all awesome.

Thanks guys!


Mar. 30th, 2009


Chat Reminder & Tournament plot!

Ok, we promise to stop spamming your friends list shortly, but this is important!

Tonight is our weekly group chat, everyone is invited but it is not required, tonight's chat will be pushed back an hour due to conflicts in schedules. That means the chat will begin at 9PM EST! This is an extra special chat as it will be a great time to start plotting out your fights for April's tournament!
See Below )

We have gained and lost a few members over the past few days, please make sure your Friends List is up to date to keep up with it all. Ryan Knight will be plotted out in a few days, please send Nellie warm thoughts as she navigates this difficult period.

Much love,
~The ATBL Mods

Mar. 24th, 2009


Upcoming Activity Check

Hello islanders!

Just giving you all a heads up, the two week activity check is coming up on Friday the 27th. This particular check is to make sure that characters have posted in the ATBL community between March 14th and March 27th. It is no reason to panic, as of now all player-controlled characters are in the clear, just want to remind everyone that they do happen and help you a time frame for them all. So--activity checks happen every other Friday, at least one post per character is required and, to help keep mod sanity, will be done by TAGS. What does that mean? That means if you do not tag your threads, they will not count toward your activity!

Not doing this to be a dick, but with the size the community has become this is the easiest, most consistent way to do it. So please remember to tag your threads, and to add your characters tag if you join a thread. If you do not know how to tag, or if someway somehow, mods have brainfarted and not added a tag for your character, please poke a mod, comment here or PM the mod account. We'll be happy to fix it or walk you through it. Everyone has been awesome about tags so far, so thank you all very much for that. :)

Stay tuned for some upcoming big!plot info which will be posted shortly.

Mar. 13th, 2009


Please welcome...

Please welcome Honey to the comm! She is bringing firebug Pyro, who can be found at [info]aussiefirebrand and the Green Block. Please be sure to update your Friends List!

I would also remind everyone that tomorrow will be our activity check--but everyone already passed with flying colors, so instead I'll just give you all a nice big pat on the back! ;3

Mar. 6th, 2009


Exemplar voting!

Hey guys! We made it to the voting section of Exemplar awards in several categories! Please take a minute to vote up your fellow players, and don't forget to vote for us as best AU game! ;)


Vote Vote Vote! :3

And grats to Mastermind and Wild Child, who won best platonic couple due to having no challengers!

Feb. 23rd, 2009


Chat Reminder!

Just a reminder for everyone, we're going to have a group AIM chat tonight, everyone is invited. It will take place at 8PM EST and will run until we get bored or AIM decides to hate us. Hope to see everyone there!

Feb. 18th, 2009


Yesss my loveliessss

An announcement has been made to avoid the forests around the island as it is believed that Ribbon has scampered off and taken up roost in the areas near by. She's decided to maintain her own home there and anyone she decides is trespassing has been killed and left in the open fields as a warning. It is understood that she has killed one mutant, hand selected undercover of darkness, from each block except for Black and slaughtered them. We are still searching for the missing body parts. Be aware and it is advisable to avoid this area at all costs.


We have lost three characters.

Monoxide- [info]m_monoxide Yellow
Speed- [info]thomas_shepherd Green
George- [info]anotheropendoor White

This will cover up their lack of action in the game as well as any possible related plots. Feel free to have your characters react to it or even find a missing body part. ♥

Friends adder has been updated here. All the contacts and characters pages have been updated.

Thanks again,

~Your Mods

Feb. 16th, 2009


The history as of this week.

Ok guys, we are officially back up and running!

The history of Revolve is in tact, the first tournament that took place in January happened, any "abandoned" canons should be regarded as random OC/NPC's. Ribbon has broken loose and is running a muck on the island. Fisher has become very stressed by this and as such has moved Shy into his personal compound and has buried himself in work. He is rarely seen to anyone other than Block Leaders and a select few, very important people.

Fischer, Ribbon and Genesis are now NPC's to be controlled by the mods, Shy is an NPC controlled by David, Red Block owner (info pending) is an NPC to be controlled by Megh. There are currently three block owners available for adoption, these are the Blue Block owner Karl Gleeson, and the Black and White Block owners, the Scott twins. While the twins are adoptable, they are to be adopted and played as humans, not as Di first wrote them. You can check out more info on all of our NPC's at [info]blackline_npc.

The history for Wolverine and Iceman has been wiped, players are free to apply them with whatever history they desire. Rogue and Shadowcat are available for adoption, any players wishing to adopt them must in some way incorporate their history on the island up until now into their application. We are working on plotting the OC's of those who have left the game out, expect an update on this soon!

Please consider all threads previous to this post correct and part of the games history, other than the modifications listed above. We have defined many aspects of the island, including lock down times, hours of operation for the businesses on the island and the restrictions on humans. Please take some time to read over the new rules and FAQ to ensure you are up to date with how Revolve runs, and be aware that we will be strictly enforcing the activity requirements.

Also! From here on out we ask you to tag all your threads with your characters code name, or last name if your character is human. If you do not know how to do this, IM David at Feral Gibbs and he will happily walk you through it. Past threads have already been tagged with confirmed characters, adoptables and NPC's. Please also visit the Friend Adder, update the accounts of all characters you have in game, and leave a comment once this is done. This is so David can clean up the code on the friend adder and not have to go bonkers about too many remove lines.

Thank you for your continued support of ATBL, we are excited to be open and running again!!

Feb. 8th, 2009



Under Reconstruction

Hello all :)

I am writing to inform you all that due to computer issues out of her control, Di has had to give up ownership of A Thin Black Line. The community is not closing, it is being taken over by Xi, Meg and David. We have put the game on pause and are working on revamping the rules and getting comfortable with running the comm.

That said, there are going to be some changes to ATBL, the most noticeable of which is going to be activity. We are imposing an activity requirement of one post per character every two weeks, staring next week, after the community reopens. We realize this is a rather drastic change, and this is why we are sending out this email. If you do not wish to continue your activity in ATBL, we fully understand and will hold no hard feelings at all if you choose to leave the community.

We ask you to please reply to this post within the week to let us know if you want to continue in the community or not. If you do not reply within the week and are not on hiatus, we will assume you are no longer interested in the community. Please let us know if your interest in ATBL continues or not (even if you're on hiatus), we appreciate it.

Sincerely, the new ATBL mods
Xi, Megh and David

P.s. Game will reopen on Monday, Feb 16.