Posts Tagged: 'pan'

Jul. 28th, 2012



you can't get in my head [closed | complete]

Characters: Pan ([info]satyrist) & Tezcatlipoca ([info]tezcatlipoca)
Date/Time: A few hours after this
Location: Their home in Niflheim
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: Violence, talk of gross things, like one kiss.
Summary: Pan comes home and introduces his fist to Tez's nose.

if you don't get in my bed )

Jul. 15th, 2012




Characters: Pan [[info]satyrist] & Syrinx [[info]syrinx] Also, surprise!Tezcat.
Date/Time: Saturday/Sunday.
Location: An alley in Babylon
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Creepyness, Pan being possessive.
Summary: Pan has a plan, his brother approves and pocket nymph is very easy to transport. ;-;

I don't care if it hurts I want to have control )

May. 22nd, 2012



come away little lass come away to the water [closed | complete]

Characters: Pan ([info]satyrist) and Syrinx ([info]syrinx)
Location: Pan's villa/home
Rating: C for Creepy
Warnings: ... Pan.
Summary: A little servant girl wanders into Pan's chambers.

we are coming for you )

Mar. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

Characters: Pan [[info]satyrist] & Syrinx [[info]syrinx]
Date/Time: Friday night.
Location: The park
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Pan being Pan.
Summary: A pleasant enough meeting.

after he took from you everything he could steal )
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