Posts Tagged: 'hebe'

Jul. 23rd, 2012



why don't you be the artist and make me out of clay [closed | complete]

Characters: Hebe ([info]ganymeda) & Raven ([info]goquothyourself)
Date/Time: Friday morning
Location: Somewhere in Camelot
Rating: Tame
Warnings: none
Summary: Because running away from your problems is always the best way to deal with them.

why don't you be the writer and decide the words i say )

Jun. 8th, 2012



something always brings me back to you [closed/complete]

Characters: Apollo ([info]phanaeus), Hebe ([info]ganymeda) & Hyacinth ([info]hyacinthed)
Date/Time: June 2 / afternoon
Location: Lennox Hill, Apollo's room
Rating: Low
Warnings: CAVITIES.
Summary: Apollo get a visit from two very important people to him.

it never takes too long )


Characters: Hebe ([info]ganymeda) and Hera ([info]luwalhati)
Date/Time: Post-Raven's death
Location: Rome
Rating: Low
Warnings: Sobs.
Summary: Hera consoles Hebe.

i dare you to move )

May. 22nd, 2012




Characters: Merlin [[info]merlyn] & Hebe [[info]ganymeda]
Date/Time: A few days ago before the fights were announced.
Location:Their home
Rating: PG
Warnings: None. Pedobear
Summary: Merlin offers Hebe some hope.

i've tried everything to make them see me )

Feb. 19th, 2012



i am strong even on my own [closed | complete]

Characters: Hebe ([info]ganymeda) & Menelaus ([info]avaliantman)
Date/Time: Before Menelaus' departure for Camlann
Location: Ilium
Rating: Tame
Warnings: None
Summary: Some things are better left unsaid.

but from him i never want to part )